Chapter fourteen. 

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I take a deep breathe in looking directly at my target

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I take a deep breathe in looking directly at my target. My finger goes onto the trigger ready to pull.  My eyes were kept on the man Alexandra was making out with. God I want to gag I hate this part watching her make out with these men.

Alexandra pulls away tilting her head sideways. There it is my Signal, I let out a shaky breathe pulling the trigger. The bullet shoots through the air breaking the glass window. It hits the man directly in the head. His blood slashed all over Alexandra who was now jumping off his lap. She looks over at me wiping the blood off her face.  I shake my head laughing as she flips me off. Even though she can't see me I flip her off as well.

I stand up dusty my pants off grabbing my bag. Strapping the gun to my waist, I walk over to the car Drina and I had hidden away. Opening the door I throw my bag in backseat. Settling down in my seat I turn on the car letting the hot air hit my face. 

Alexandra opens the door jumping into the seat. I hand her a hoodie so she could cover up. She gives me a small smile as she throws it over her head. 

"God I hated having to kiss him you should have shot faster" she grumbles looking out the window. I let out a dry laugh "shouldn't have killed his bodyguards so messy" .

"They've blown my cover so I sliced their throats but that man was calling for them so I didn't what i do best" Alexandra pauses before looking at me. I shake my head telling her not to say it. Even though we are close I don't wanna know about her sex life nor does she wanna know about mine.

Alexandra looks help her a lot with her part of the mission. Just her simply showing off her chest gets men bowing down. She is very talented with her killing but she gets to be messy.

"Are you okay?" Drina voice brings me out of my thoughts. I look over at her giving her a small nod before starting the Engine up .  

I walk into the bathroom ignoring Alexandra calls for me to stop

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I walk into the bathroom ignoring Alexandra calls for me to stop. All I need is to wash my face and change. Quickly turning on the water faucet, I wait for the water to turn hot. Once I see the steam coming off water i cup it . I throw the hot water on my face allowing the heat to calm me down.

Turning off the water I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were so dull as if no soul was in my body. I was so pale looking even though I was tan my skin color was slowly draining. 

I ruffle my hair shaking off my thoughts. What's the point in thinking I'm slowly dying if I'm healthy? Even if I'm not mentally I am physically.

"Alexander come on we have another mission and tomorrow morning we have meetings!" Drina bangs on the door shouting. I sigh looking at myself one last time before walking out the bathroom.

"You have to change wear all black" Alexandra advises looking at my white shirt. I nod my head making my way to my side of the room.

"I'm gonna kill you" I whisper yell looking at Alexandra

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"I'm gonna kill you" I whisper yell looking at Alexandra. She shrugs her shoulder giving me a evil smile. This little fucker is making me go on a fighting mission. It isn't the killing type more so the fight everyone grab the files and run.

I push her out of the way climbing into the vent . Alexander huffs following after me. The sound of our bodies hitting the metal makes me cringe. Fucking hell this vent is so small it makes me wanna die.

"Ugh my boobs keep hitting the fucking metal it hurts" Drina whines in a whisper voice. I roll my eyes getting ready to jump out of the vent. Once the metal bars come in view I punch it out. It falls on the ground making me smile in victory, I didn't think I was strong enough to do it.

I jump down landing on my feet, I look up waiting for Alexandra to jump down. She jumps down landing on her feet.

"Got your knives?" I smirk looking at my twin. Drina rolls her eyes pursing her lips into a thin line. She forgot her favorite knives so she's mad.

"Let's just go kick some asses so we at least get a hour of sleep before the meetings" she suggests with a sneer. I nod my head putting on my leather gloves. Alexandra puts in her ear piece nodding her head. We both go our own ways making sure to stay by a wall hidden.

I squeeze my eyes shut once I made it far enough to the main entrance. The sound of male voices echo off the walls. I count each voice which added up to four males, I can definitely take them all on.

Taking a peek from behind my wall my eyes found Alexander  piercing grey ones. She puts her finger up to her lips. I take a deep breathe in grabbing my gun. Looks like blood will be spilled tonight. The only question is ours or theirs.

A/n hi guys so I don't know about y'all but the 'muted man' doesn't sit right with me anymore. My original idea was alex being the silent killer so I think Imma switch his name to silent killer but I'm gonna think about it for a little longer but please let me know if I should.

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