Chapter nine.

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mentions of r@pe.

"Where's Drina is she okay?" I run into the room looking around

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Where's Drina is she okay?" I run into the room looking around. Axel walks over to me smiling softly.

"Alex chill out she's safe now" he hums pulling my me into a hug. I nod my head wrapping my arms around him.

Alex pulls away leaning behind me. He gives me a quick smile before locking the door.

"Axel what are you doing?" I question holding onto my teddy bear. Axel smiles down at me messing up my hair chuckling .

"Don't worry about it" he dismisses pushing me onto his bed.

I wake up gasping for air looking around the room trying to feel for Alexandera .

"Drina!" I cry out moving around the bed . I feel her grasp as she pulls me into a hug. Taking a deep breathe of her sent I slowly calm down.

"I'm right here alex you're safe I promise you" she mutters into my ear. I nod my head leaning into her more than I should have.

"Where did you go I didn't feel you I thought-". Drina cuts me off " I was in the bathroom I promise I was sleeping by you the whole time alex".

"I-I just need a shower" I mumble pushing her slightly away. I stand up walking away from her questions if I'm okay. To be honest I don't know if I am . My mind feels like it's all over the place. This body I'm in feels like I'm not really in it.

After turning on the shower to the hottest, I turn around facing the mirror. I don't recognize myself anymore when I look in the mirror all I see is this little boy. The same little boy who got a call on his phone saying his sister was hurt.

I dropped my toy cars running towards axel room where he said she was. The only thing left in that room was my innocents . I didn't know someone I loved so deeply would hurt me so much.

"Alex are you okay the water been on for half an hour" Drina voice booms through the door along with her knocks. I shake off my thoughts looking around. The mirror I was once looking at is all foggy . 

"Yeah I'm okay Alexandra just love showers you know me" I let out a dry chuckle. Drina mumbles a small okay before walking away.

Once her footsteps are gone I walk inside the shower allowing the hot water to burn my skin.  Scrubbing my body harshly making sure every spot he touched got more scrubs than anything.

Walking out of the bathroom drying my hair off I look up at Drina

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Walking out of the bathroom drying my hair off I look up at Drina. She was wearing a black crop top with black joggers.

"Alex I know you aren't okay so I have some missions for you...I know how you like distractions when he pops into your head" she drawls out holding a file out for me to grab.

I grab my file giving her a smile thanks.  Alexandra and I have a understanding we both hate talking about axel more so me than her. She blames herself for something no eight year old could know.

"Can you cover for me from Julio I don't feel like dealing with his  bullshit " I asks slipping on my shoes. Drina nods her head giving me a smile.

"Stop being a freak smiling weird" I huff shaking my head. She flips me off before walking out of the room.

Throwing my jacket on the back of my chair I sit down rolling up my selves

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Throwing my jacket on the back of my chair I sit down rolling up my selves . 

"So Matteo is it?" I asks looking down at the knife I just grabbed.  It was a sharp long blade
With spikes around it. Personally it's my favorite knife it hurts more than a regular one.

"Look man I know who you are I promise I didn't do shit!" Matteo yells looking at me with pleading eyes.

"They always say that it's so embarrassing" I spoke loudly. My guards chuckle agreeing with me. Matteo looks around the room trying to find anyone to help him. No one dares to move a finger unless I ask them to.

"No one will save you" I taunt stabbing the knife in his leg.  Matteo let's out a piercing scream of pain. I chuckle lightly laughing at him. Yanking the knife out of his leg I put it to his neck tilting my head.

"I'm not one for torture as you know my sister the one who loves it. I myself think killing without you knowing death is right at your door step more fun" I explain looking into his blue eyes that were tearing up.

"Sadly you just had to be a pedophile so now I'm gonna torture you and ruin your fucking mind just like you ruined that child mind" I spit on his face. Taking my knife I slice his leg. Making sure to twist the knife more into his leg laughing at his cries for help.

"You're gonna fucking wish the devil would come collect your soul once I'm done" I laugh out yanking the knife.

After hours of torturing the pathetic son of a bitch I had my men throw him in a cell

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

After hours of torturing the pathetic son of a bitch I had my men throw him in a cell. He will spend his last days dying in pain. I also dropped by that little girls house he raped leaving Anonymous toys.

It was nice watching for afar her face when she saw the toys on her doorstep. Her mother broke down in tears which ruined it for me.

Anyways I'm now currently sitting on the couch with my usual scowl placed on my face. Brian was explaining to me how he thinks mermaids give birth.

"I'm telling you it has to come out of her boob!" He yells throwing his hands up in the air . Chris shakes his head in disbelief that.

"No I'm telling your dumbass she probably would throw them up!" Chris scoffs. I stand up turning to leave. Once I reach the doorway I turn back around "they would give birth by the stomach " . I shout before walking away.

A/N next chapter will be the review on what mafia they run and how they even got the job of a mobster.

What mafia do you think they run?

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