HaruYoung- 'Mago'- Pt. 2/2

Start from the beginning

“How did you know about it?” Airi asked Doyoung who was about to lose his shit.

“Ruto told me... Do you think he'll be in trouble?” Doyoung asked in desperation. Airi shrugged, “We're not supposed to say anything to anyone. If we do, their memories will need to be erased.”

Doyoung’s eyes widened, “what?”
Airi nodded, “So that they don’t remember anything. We have special agents with this power fixed for this job.”

Doyoung became even more nervous. And hella guilty. Not only did he put Haruto through danger, he might lose his memories of ever knowing that Haruto had magical power or maybe...

That Haruto existed at all.

“You are looking so scared, Doyoungie oppa.” Airi said. Doyoung couldn’t even disagree. He was biting his nails while his heart was beating wildly in his chest.

‘Please I don’t want to forget Ruto I- I'd do anything to make it right, I will beg his parents if I have to, like I love him so much already I can’t lose-'

“Doyoungie?” Haruto’s call broke Doyoung’s train of thoughts. It also made Airi look up and on cue, leave the room, giving them privacy. Doyoung looked desperately at Haruto.

“What did-"

“They’re okay with it as long as it’s only you who know.” Haruto said and gave a small smile to Doyoung. The latter let out the huge puff of air he held inside in fear of losing his precious someone. And he ran, tightly hugged Haruto in the end.

“Please, I don’t want to forget you, ever!”

Haruto patted him on the head, “Why would you?”

Doyoung broke the hug, “Airi told me... they’ll erase my memory if-"

“Even if they wanted to, would I ever let them?” Haruto looked directly in Doyoung’s eyes, “Can I ever let you go?”

Doyoung stared at Haruto’s sincere eyes and his eyes started getting teary. Why worrying when he had Haruto to protect him?

Haruto held Doyoung’s cheeks, “Just have faith in me.” Doyoung nodded while tightly shutting his eyes. This made the little drops of tears roll down his cheeks which Haruto gently wiped away. Doyoung’s cheeks were so damn soft! But Haruto was still a coward to be able to place a kiss on them. So, he satisfied himself by hugging the smaller one again.


Even though Haruto’s parents talked to Doyoung about it afterwards and they all seemed okay with letting Doyoung know everything, somewhere in Haruto, there was a hint of doubt. A tiny bit, but it was there. And it didn’t let him sleep in peace. However, things with Doyoung was going so well that he almost forgot about the whole issue.

Almost, because Haruto soon found out that he was being spied on, specially when he hung out with Doyoung.

He first realized it when one day his parents randomly told him to stop seeing Doyoung so often. He obviously argued but they added something like- he's not that trustworthy. Now after trusting him like that, them saying such a thing definitely made Haruto’s doubt stronger. He became more aware of his surroundings.

His parents didn’t only do it once or twice, they started talking Haruto out of it so often, and with more aggression that soon living at home became quite difficult for Haruto. Had it not been for his little sister, he would have thrown a huge fight at home.

But Airi was smart, and helpful. Plus, seemed like, only she trusted Doyoung.

“Are you okay?” she asked Haruto, after he had gone to his room one day, fuming, arguing with his parents about Doyoung.

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