JeongKyu- 'Affection'

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°Jeongwoo x Junkyu

°Just Jeongwoo and Haruto fighting over their favourite hyung.


Glaring the hell out of Haruto was never ever part of Jeongwoo’s plan, at least not from just two to three months ago. He was one of the closest friends of Jeongwoo, always making some savage remarks here and there but loving and caring for him nonetheless. Jeongwoo did the same. Everyone knew them as the dynamic ‘04 duo and they were happily living up to the title.

Until both wanted to be on the top of one of their hyungs' list of priorities.

TREASURE were having an OT12 v-live. Jeongwoo was pretty cheerful at the beginning of the live. He was sitting on a seat at one corner. To his utter delight, he got his favourite hyung, or should I say, more than favourite hyung to stand behind him. There were snacks all over the table in front of them, but they couldn’t just dig in right away, they had to introduce the live, talk a bit, read some comments and then maybe- all the delicious goodness could be theirs to savour.

Jeongwoo wasn’t desperate or hungry to want to munch on the cookies in front of him. He was smiling and listening to the other members reading fan comments, adding little phrases or sentences here and there. But his focus was solely on the person standing behind him- in brown hair and a pink hoodie.

Jeongwoo turned sideways, a little so that his back wouldn’t show on camera. He looked up and saw his Junkyu hyung. His gaze followed Junkyu's which was neither on camera nor on any device or any the other members; that longing gaze from those lustrous eyes clearly fell on the cookies resting right in front of Jeongwoo.

Chuckling, Jeongwoo handed him over a piece of cookie. Junkyu’s face shone with a happy smile, like a puppy getting his desired food.

While Jeongwoo absolutely loved the radiant smile, Haruto, from another corner at the back silently glared at the whole scene. And Jeongwoo accidentally saw that when trying to look at Hyunsuk who was talking, sitting at the same angle of his eyes as Haruto. He smirked.

Jeongwoo: 1      Haruto: 0

His silent victory was short lived. After eating all the cookies and joking with Jihoon and Doyoung, Junkyu felt like going towards the middle and talk to all his Japanese buddies a bit. Jeongwoo saw with disappointment as Haruto smiled happily watching Junkyu going at his direction.

Junkyu got busy reading comments. He found some of them really funny and quickly showed them to Haruto, who, after watching Junkyu approaching, wasted no time to shift himself to stand beside his favourite hyung. Both Junkyu and Haruto kept joking about the funny and witty comments and made Jeongwoo grit his teeth.

And did Haruto just smirk at him??

Jeongwoo: 1     Haruto: 1

Jeongwoo could not tolerate the intimacy of them. So, he stood up, gestured at Doyoung to take his seat and walked towards Junkyu. He tried to be as subtle as possible and luckily no one noticed his odd behaviour all of a sudden.

Haruto did though. Even though he was fond of Jeongwoo quite a lot, he knew, in silence, that both him and Jeongwoo were fighting the same battle- keeping the prize in between them.

Both of Junkyu’s hands were free, so free that they looked kind of lonely. And on cue, both Jeongwoo and Haruto decided to fill the void.

They both grabbed two of Junkyu’s hands from opposite sides at the same time. Startled? Well, Junkyu was more than that. It wouldn’t even be a thing if one of his members randomly grabbed his hand, but both of them? On cue? That too on live?

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