Chapter 63 - Mission Failed

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Katsuki simply stared at Recovery Girl, watching her lips move but not hearing any of the words that spilled out. He should pay attention, this was important information. She was explaining how his quirk suppressors worked and how he needed to take them. Just another pill on top of the one he was already taking, I guess. But that small round capsule had life changing effects. And yet...

Yet he couldn't focus. Not today, of all days. Not when he knew almost every pro hero in this and all surrounding prefectures were going up against an army of villains in just a few moments.
"You've got all that?" Recovery Girl asked as she placed the package in a small bag.

"Yes, thank you so much for arranging all this on such a short notice" Masaru smiled, giving her a small bow out of respect. Katsuki's dad came with him to get his medication. Mitsuki would've joined if it wasn't for the fact she had an important presentation for some potential investors. It was a big deal apparently, he didn't know the details. Normally his dad would be there with her, but this appointment was kinda a big deal too.

"If you feel any negative side effects from the medication, you come to me immediately" Recovery stated, looking directly at Katsuki again. The ash blonde nodded. He won't wait to tell her again, not after how awful he felt the first time with his antidepressants.
"Alright, that was all"

"Yes, thank you, again" Masaru said, taking the bag as he got up. Katsuki got up as well, not really saying anything as he left the nurse's office. He glanced at the clock. Only a few minutes left, almost time for the raid... It made him nervous, on edge. Fidgety. Ugh! He needed something to do with his hands so he wouldn't drive himself insane!

"I think I'm going to stop by the workshop to work on my assignment for next Tuesday" Katsuki said, not waiting for his dad's reaction or permission. Masaru needed to leave for a business meeting anyway and Katsuki needed to distract himself, keep himself busy. That's why he was so glad that he found Hatsume in the workshop. She was sure to put both his hands and mind to work.

"Oi Goggles, whatcha tinkering with?"
"Ah, Bakugou! Come here, hold this for a sec!" Hatsume said, hurriedly pushing some half built piece of machinery as she pulled a long wire across her work station.
"Can you connect those two real quick?"

"Sure" Katsuki shrugged, handing her a small screwdriver before she could even ask for it. He took a quick look at the blueprints that were scattered all over the place and started working alongside her. They worked pretty in sync for a while, keeping Katsuki distracted like he wanted. But that only lasted for so long...

"Bakugou! Here you are!"

Katsuki looked up to see Sero in the doorway, panting. What the..?

"Guys! I found him!"

Kaminari and Ashido ran in not much later, looking at least as distressed as Sero was. What the hell was happening? Why were they looking at him like that?
"Oh, you guys wanna test out some of my new babies?" Hatsume asked when she noticed the new faces. They didn't react to her as they quickly ran towards them, making Katsuki's frown.

Before he could ask what was going on, they started shouting and yelling all at once, creating a cacophony of noise.
"Oi, shut up! One at a time!" Katsuki barked, glaring at them for being so damn loud.
"You're going to give me a damn headache with all that yelling"
They wanted to react, only for Kirishima to burst in through the door.

"Why are you all just standing around?! We need to get moving!" the redhead exclaimed. That seemed to snap the others out of it and Katsuki yelped as Ashido suddenly pulled him along towards the exit. He struggled to stay on his feet as he stumbled behind her, finally being able to free himself when he was pushed into the hallway.

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