Chapter 36 - Personal Issues

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When All Might returned to his apartment, he found a crying woman on his couch. There were several papers sprawled out on the coffee table in front of her, but Toshinori couldn't make out what they were from where he was standing.

"Mrs Midoriya..? Is everything alright?"

Inko stiffened for a moment, letting her hands drop from her face to look at the man who just walked in. Her eyes were red and puffy, her face stained with tears. Toshinori didn't know what had gotten her this emotional, but he knew he wanted to help resolve the issue as fast as possible so she wouldn't have to cry anymore. Yagi was reminded of his successor, remembering the many times Izuku had cried in front of him.

But these weren't tears of relief or happiness. This was something entirely else. That's why the man didn't waste any time getting by her side, glancing at the papers to see an awful lot of numbers and official stamps. It seemed to be from the police department and from the bank, but Toshinori didn't put two and two together before Inko explained it to him.

"T-they're taking e-everything..." she sobbed.
"All of o-our savings, our h-home... M-my husband p-paid for all of it, i-it's on his name a-and they're t-taking all his p-possessions and a-assets a-and I-I have nothing!"

Toshinori's eyes widened at that, his eyes shooting in the direction of the papers for a moment before he pulled Inko into a hug. The police confiscated all of All For One's assets, freezing his accounts and making sure that every penny they knew about was sealed away. But seeing as he was the only one bringing in money in their small family, it meant that the Midoriya's lost all their funds.

All Might hadn't thought about it like that before... Hadn't realised that it would throw them out on the street with nothing to go back to and nothing to move forward with. If everything was paid for by Hisashi and was signed in his name... In the end the system didn't care about what happened to the man's family, just that everything was paid for by money that was obtained from illegal activities and that it had to be confiscated.

"W-what do I-I tell Izuku..? I-I... I need to find a job, I-I have to work i-in order to keep us afloat b-but I don't even h-have a degree o-or-" Inko sobbed, clinging onto All Might like her life depended on it, trying to find at least a little bit of comfort.
"I-I can't pay f-for his education a-and a house and f-food a-and just everything! I-I can't-"

"Hey, calm down, it'll be okay" All Might whispered, rubbing her back.
"We'll find a solution to this, I promise"
As he let those words slip out, he realised that there was little he could do to change the situation. He held no power over the police and since All For One was such a high profile villain he doubted he could fix this with a favour.

They were handling this case with care and precision, taking every measure possible to ensure he could be tracked and captured. All Might could offer his financial support, but he wasn't sure whether Inko would be willing to take it. She needed time to become self-sufficient, to find work and make a living.

There was one major problem though.

She couldn't leave the school grounds for who knows how long. She needed to be supervised in order Hisashi came back for her and the media were ruthless, wanting to expose every detail. They'll probably overwhelm her if she sets even one foot outside these walls. It would keep her from looking for work, but meanwhile she did have expenses that needed to be paid for like water and food, yet no funds to do so.

Hmm... Maybe All Might could arrange something..? A small temporary job within the school grounds, maybe? He could talk with Nezu about it, he was sure the principal would understand the situation.

"P-please don't tell Izuku about this" Inko choked out.
"He already has s-so much on his mind a-and I don't want to worry him more"
"Of course, I won't say a word" All Might promised her, still rubbing her back as they sat on the couch. Toshinori couldn't imagine what young Midoriya might do if he heard about this.

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