Chapter 26 - Therapy

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"Hey you! Don't think you can go slacking off on our deal!" Hatsume exclaimed as she pulled Katsuki aside during their free period.
"First you just leave and now that you're here, you're not even keeping your promise!"
"What the hell are you talking about?" Katsuki asked, pushing her off as he glared at her. He wasn't dealing with crazy goggle girl, not now.

"I'm talking about my food" she stated, crossing her arms as a grin came to her face.
"Or would you rather volunteer to be my guinea pig?"
Ah. So that was what this was all about... Katsuki did make a deal to make her breakfast and dinner everyday after he lost that tech duel. Hm, he actually totally forgot about that for a moment.

"So? How are you going to make it up to me?" Hatsume asked, waiting for an answer. Katsuki sighed, putting his hands in his pockets as he already regretted the decision he was about to make. Of course he liked to cook, but sometimes he just wasn't feeling like it, you know? He didn't want to force himself into preparing something for someone else everyday so this was the best alternative.

"How about this-" Katsuki started.
"-I don't cook for you anymore, or only when I feel like it, and I give you my mom's email"

Hatsume's eyes started sparking, getting bigger by the second as she marvelled about the possibilities. Bakugou Mitsuki's email address! THE support engineer of M2B! She literally gasped, which made Katsuki roll his eyes.

"You're serious, right? This isn't something to joke about! Don't play with my heart like that Bakugou!" Hatsume stated, in denial about the proposition.
"Shut it! Just don't fucking tell anyone I gave it to you, okay? Well, except maybe my mom, you can just write you're in my class or something like that" Katsuki muttered, waving it off.

"So do we have a deal or what?"
"Yes! Yes, of course we have!" Hatsume smiled, shaking Katsuki's hand violently.
"Give it to me! Gimme!"
"Geez, calm the fuck down and give me something to write on" Katsuki groaned, pulling his hand free from her grip.

She squealed, quickly taking out pen and paper so he could write down Mitsuki's email address. Katsuki had never seen someone this happy to receive contact info. Hatsume was totally freaking out, it was quite the sight. A small smile rose to his face as he watched her bounce off as if she was walking on clouds. At least he could make someone happy... He sighed, wanting to leave, only to notice Majutsu standing next to the door outside the room.

"That was really nice of you" she said, her tone soft and careful. Katsuki looked away, remembering how they parted ways before the weekend started. She had seen him... She knew.
"You should've heard her after you left. She couldn't shut up about your parents and M2B Hero Fashion"

Katsuki hummed, making Majutsu sigh.
"Look, I know you're going through a lot right now but-"
"No, stop right fucking there" Katsuki hissed, turning his back to her.
"Not a word about it, got it? Just act as if you never saw anything"

"I can't do that Bakugou, I can't watch you suffer like that" Majutsu stated, grabbing his arm as he wanted to walk away.
"Please... If you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you, okay? Anything at all"
Katsuki frowned at that, pulling his arm away from her.

"Just... Leave me alone... It's better for everyone if you just stay away from me"

I don't want to hurt you. No, that wasn't it. I don't want All For One to kill you. That was more like his train of thought. Katsuki knew himself better than anyone, which is why he knew the hero deep inside him will never allow that man to roam free. Sooner or later he'll spill his name to Eraserhead or some other teacher or pro hero. When that happened, All For One would come for him and everything he loved and cared about.

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