Chapter 50 - Recovery

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Ectoplasm made sure they didn't bump into anyone and didn't pass any classrooms that had big windows towards the hallway. Katsuki was grateful for that, not wanting anyone to see him yet. It'll cause chaos for sure and the ash blonde wasn't prepared for that. Ectoplasm knew that too, he had seen how the boy had struggled to keep calm and collected while talking to Midoriya in order not to worry him.

Luckily Recovery Girl had told them there was currently no student being treated in the nurse's office when they informed her about Katsuki so the boy will have some privacy.
"Hello dear, please, have a seat" Recovery Girl greeted him as he entered. Ectoplasm left them alone, probably standing guard outside the door.

Katsuki sighed, sitting down on one of the beds, glancing down at his hands for a moment as Recovery Girl went over to her desk to get the things she needed. He had to tell her, didn't he..? It would be suspicious if it showed in her tests somehow and he didn't want anyone to think he was in league with that monster.

"B-before you run your tests, t-there uhm... There is something you should know" Katsuki breathed, earning Recovery Girl's attention.
"What is it dearie?"
Katsuki took a deep breath, slowly raising his hand as small firecrackers appeared, dancing in his palm. Recovery Girl's eyes widened in shock at the sight. There had never been anyone to regain their quirk after All For One took it. Not unless-

"How did this happen?" she asked, wanting to be sure before she came to the wrong conclusions. Katsuki was showing her his quirk returned, so she doubted he had any ill intentions towards her. Yet it was very strange for All For One to do something like that, certainly when knowing about the strained relationship between the two... What was the catch here?

"H-he... He returned my quirk" Katsuki breathed, lowering his hand again.
"I-I... I can't make huge blasts, this is the most I can manage. It's like i-it just manifested all over again"
"And do you know why he returned it to you?" Recovery Girl asked. She had to be cautious, even if she didn't think Katsuki would ever side with that man.

Katsuki nodded and explained to her what Hisashi had told him, what had happened when he was at their compound. Meanwhile she checked up on his injuries, but concluded quickly enough that the burns were almost completely healed up already.
"He's still using me for his little schemes... I-I don't know what to do" Katsuki choked out.

"Could you... Could you please not tell anyone about this? I-I understand principal Nezu should know a-and maybe my homeroom teacher but... But please, just... I-I don't want people to think I'm on his side..."

"I understand your concern, but you do understand that I have to give this information to the police as well" she sighed, making Katsuki tense up. Right... The police was going to question him about all of this, like the last time he was kidnapped. He completely forgot about that part...

"This information will be treated as confidential, of course, until you decide to make it public" she continued.
"And I do advise you to do so. People will only get more suspicious of your bond with All For One the longer you wait"
"I-I understand" Katsuki breathed, knowing what she was telling him was true. But he didn't want to tell people, not yet at least. He'll tell his parents, sure, but nobody else.

"Now, as for the quirk itself-" Recovery Girl started.
"-the reason why it feels like you've just manifested Explosion is probably due to the fact your body has already adjusted to being quirkless. In other words, you sweat like a regular person now. But I'm sure that with some training, your body will quickly revert back. The process you make will come much quicker up until you are at the point you were when your quirk was taken"

"So... I-I don't have a lot of nitroglycerin in me right now, but if I start training again, I'll become like I was before, is what you're saying..?" Katsuki repeated to make sure.
"Yes" she confirmed.
"You know the implications of that as well as I do, I'll take it? Your body will start to counteract once the levels of nitroglycerin become too high. You'll revert back into a state of stress"

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