Chapter 30 - Broken

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Izuku sobbed and cried, trying to understand what just happened. He and Kacchan had such a wonderful day together! They climbed the mountain, hiked through nature... Kacchan even showed him such a beautiful spot! And they went stargazing together and everything! It was all so romantic and cute and Kacchan never once rejected any of his advances. He even made a few moves of his own! Izuku really thought that they had something special... That Kacchan had feelings for him...

He... He even thought of their activities as some kind of date! B-but... Obviously, he was the only one who thought like that... Everything had been too perfect, hadn't it? Things were going smooth and he and Kacchan were able to talk- Like, really talk! And he thought it would be okay... For him to kiss him like he did back in his dormitory. Izuku thought Kacchan wouldn't be against it, thought that maybe he would give dating him a chance... But he was wrong. So very very wrong...

Izuku sobbed, trying to wipe away his tears, but they just kept on flowing. How could Kacchan be so cruel?! How could he act all cute and friendly around him and then lash out at him like that?! Izuku didn't understand any of it! He took the flashlight with shaking hands, slowly crawling up from the ground, his vision blurry from all the tears. How could such a perfect day end like this..?

With the shaking light illuminating his trail, Izuku slowly made his way back to camp, where his dad instantly pulled him into a hug.
"Izuku my boy, what happened? Why are you crying?" Hisashi asked worriedly.
"Hey, please tell me what's wrong"

"I-I-" Izuku cried, holding onto his dad as if his life depended on it.
"K-Kacchan, he... I-I thought..."
He couldn't get any coherent phrase past his lips, simply crying in his father's arms. So this is heartbreak, huh? Hisashi just heard Katsuki's name and became furious, even if he didn't show it on the outside. Oh, he'll get that little irritational teen and put him in his place for daring to hurt his precious son!

"I-I thought Kacchan r-returned my f-feelings b-but he rejected me..." Izuku cried, making Hisashi freeze up. His son had feelings for that brat..? Ugh, this just complicated the matter, didn't it? Hm, maybe it was a good thing Katsuki turned him down then... The boy didn't seem too happy himself when he returned to camp, so chances are he did it even though he does have feelings for him...

Oh. Hisashi understood now. Katsuki had finally gotten some common sense and took his distance from Izuku! Probably out of fear for him, but still... Hmm, yes, he'll plan a...proper punishment for him~

"Sssh, it's okay Izuku..." Hisashi whispered, rubbing his back.
"You deserve better than him anyway..."
"Is everything alright here?" Masaru asked, walking up to them.
"Yes, uhm, it's alright" Hisashi sighed, still comforting his son.

"Uhm, well, I know we arranged for the boys to sleep together in a tent and we in the other, but do you think we can switch it up? I'd like to stay with Izuku"
"Oh, of course, no problem" Masaru smiled, seeing Izuku was having a hard time at the moment. He didn't want to pry, so he didn't ask what was going on. He did switch out the sleeping bags though, trying to be quiet so he wouldn't disturb Katsuki.

Masaru thought his son was sleeping, but Katsuki was laying wide awake. He was painfully aware of the fact his dad went to sleep next to him instead of Izuku. It was probably for the best though... But it also meant that Hisashi knew about it and Katsuki knew he wouldn't let him go without payback. He dreaded the moment Hisashi would come up with something to punish him with... Silent tears still rolled down his cheeks as he tried not to let his dad know he was awake.

Katsuki regretted his words, his actions, everything... He wanted Izuku to be happy, to smile and to laugh and to enjoy every day of his life. He deserved it. He deserved all of it! ...Yet Katsuki couldn't give it to him. All he could do was smash his happiness to pieces every time he passed by, like he'd done since the beginning. Always pushing him down, always beating him up and spitting out insults meant to hurt him.

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