Chapter 18 - Comforting Touch

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Izuku smiled down upon his new provincial license. The picture could've been a bit better but he has never been the photogenic type. Ah, he was just so proud of himself! He actually did it! He passed! He was so happy! He immediately took a picture and sent it to both his mom and All Might. The latter sent him a thumbs up and a happy smiley face in return. His mom didn't immediately answer after she opened it, but a few minutes later, she called him.

"Oh Izuku, I'm so proud of you!" she exclaimed from the other side of the phone. It was clear in her voice that she was crying.
"I can barely believe it myself" Izuku chuckled, scratching his cheek as he smiled.
"I'm so happy I passed!"

"I'm happy for you too, Izuku" his mom answered.
"But, uhm, I've called with a reason. Of course to congratulate you! You did an amazing job sweetie and I'm super proud of you! But, uhm, there is someone else here who would like to congratulate you too"

Oh? Izuku wondered who... Maybe auntie Mitsuki was visiting again? He didn't know who it could be, but the voice that reached his ears next was one of the last things he expected to hear.

"Hello Izuku, I'm so happy you're realising your dream"

"...D-dad..?" Izuku breathed in shock. He only recognized the voice from the phone calls on his birthday and with christmas. They called when he was admitted to UA as well. But their talks are never that long... Izuku just doesn't know what to say to the man. It's not like they have regular contact. They could just as well be strangers.

That didn't mean they didn't get along well, though. It's not like Izuku disliked him, not at all. He provided for him and his mom and had to move away for his job, but that didn't mean he didn't love them. He always sends Izuku gifts around the time of his birthday and he knows he and his mom call more often than they do.

"You' In Japan?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise! I've been transferred after I got a promotion! That way, we can live together again! I've missed you so much, Izuku. It's a shame UA has a dorm system now..." he explained happily, a little sadder at the end.

"I-I can come home this weekend! We'll get to catch up" Izuku smiled. His dad was back... First his license, now his family... Today couldn't get any better! Now he wouldn't have to worry about his mom being all alone at home. She would've company again and Izuku could come and visit on the weekends and maybe even stay over if the school allowed it.

"I would love that! I want to hear all about your studies and your friends and just everything, okay? I missed so much of you growing up and I don't want to miss anything else" his dad said. Izuku could hear how sincere he sounded and he himself would want nothing more than some quality bonding time with his dad.

"Yeah, okay" Izuku answered, seeing Aizawa sign him over to the bus. He could almost hear Iida yelling at everyone to get in an orderly line so they could enter the bus in an orderly manner as he watched the class rep chop the air.
"I have to go now, the bus is about to leave. I'll call back later tonight, okay?"
"Of course, I understand. We love you Izuku"

"I-I love you too" Izuku answered with a small smile, ending the call and quickly making his way over to the rest of the class.
"Who were you calling Deku-kun?" Uraraka asked as they started boarding the bus.
"Oh, uh, my mo- uhm- my parents" Izuku said, correcting himself mid-sentence, earning a confused look from Ochako.

Izuku simply smiled, liking the sound of those words. His parents. Yes, there were two of them now. There always have been in a way, but now it was more real. Izuku saw Aizawa checking his phone regularly during the ride back to UA and their homeroom teacher seemed tense, anxious. Was something the matter? Sure, Todoroki didn't pass the exam but he would have his license with some extra lessons, right? That wasn't the worst thing that could happen...

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