Chapter 44 - Eri-san

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Katsuki went to Recovery Girl not much later and had some tests done at the hospital. The doctors weren't really sure about what happened, wanting to do additional research. Maybe set up a larger study to gain more information about the differences between those with a quirk and those without one. It wasn't really any of Katsuki's business.

The ash blonde was already kind of annoyed. Not because of the tests or the doctors, but because of the process of getting to the hospital. The media caught air that he left UA campus and somehow managed to see him enter the hospital. He'd been harassed and stared at and it frustrated him to no end. And now he had to leave this place without those vultures surrounding him.

The hospital staff and the police were trying to arrange something but it didn't seem like Katsuki would be getting away any time soon... The worst thing was the fact that he was missing out on school for this shit! He would have to catch up to whatever they were seeing in class today and he couldn't text or chat with anyone because they were all in class right now!

Katsuki soon got bored just sitting in the plain hospital room and started wandering around the halls in search of the cafeteria to get something to eat. The press wasn't allowed in here due to patient privacy or confidentiality or something like that, so he wouldn't have to worry about those. He mentally noted the red lines on the wall, reminding him of the time after his kidnapping, when he first noticed the colour coding. What would red stand for..?

A thunk noise startled him out of thought though, making him turn around in an instant. A small girl yelped, stumbling back from a cart with bed sheets and pillow covers which she bumped into. They must be replacing the dirty sheets with the new ones right now... The girl was vaguely familiar to Katsuki but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Are you okay..?" Katsuki asked, noticing how scared she looked. She seemed too young to be wandering around on her own and her clothes suggested she was a patient here. Her hair was almost as pale as her gown, her eyes a tone of red a lot like his own, a horn sticking out of the side of her forehead. Must be part of her quirk in one way or another.

"I-I..." she mumbled, tearing up. She wasn't supposed to leave her room... It could be dangerous for the people around her! B-but it was the birthday of her favorite nurse today a-and she really wanted to hand her her drawing! Was she in trouble now? Were they going to get mad at her? Would they hurt her..? Katsuki's eyes widened as he saw the girl start to cry. Fuck!

"H-hey, it's okay... Did you hurt yourself anywhere?" Katsuki asked, walking over to her. The girl stepped back though, making him stop. She was wary of him... Not so surprising, he was a complete stranger to her, after all. Alright, so he'll have to use a different approach...

"My name is Katsuki, what's yours? Maybe I can help you get back to your room?" he suggested, trying to build some form of trust between them. The girl glanced around and back at Katsuki, sniffing as she wiped some tears away. Maybe this boy could help her get back to her room so the nurses won't find out that she left? But then she would be lying... Lying was bad. Maybe get back to her room and then tell the nurses? Maybe this boy would help her with that too?

"I-I... I'm Eri"

Eri..? Wait, hold on a minute! Katsuki had a lightbulb moment, recognizing that name instantly. That's why she seemed so familiar! This was the girl Izuku saved from the yakuza! The girl with the overpowered quirk she couldn't control, the one who was put into quarantine so- His eyes widened. She was supposed to be locked up in a room with permanent supervision. So why was she out here all alone?! Ugh, is the staff here really that incompetent?!

Katsuki sighed, crouching down and putting a small smile on his face.
"Hi Eri, nice to meet you! Say, you wouldn't happen to know a boy named Deku, right?"
"Y-you know Deku-kun?" she asked, surprised. Katsuki smiled and nodded. Alright, so now they have common ground so it should be easier for her to trust him. He mentally noted that that sounded a lot worse now that he thought about it, but shook it off in order to help this young girl.

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