Chapter 14 - Training

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Class 1-A entered their homeroom classroom like they always did. Students sipping in, only a few at first, the early risers that got to class way before the lessons actually started. But with more time passing, more students started filing in. Like a tap that was leaking and was slowly being set open, allowing the water to flow out. Or in this case, allowing students to enter the room.

It was the first morning of the first day of the new semester and people were excited and nervous all the same. What would this period bring? Would their classes get much harder? What about the PLE? Yes, the hero course was brimming with life, like always.

"Hm? Oh Kaminari, did you order something in from the support department?"

This made heads turn towards Denki's desk, more precisely, to the box that was resting on the smooth surface. It was clearly from the support department, seeing as UA's label was all over it and the words support course were very visible. On top was a folded up paper, a note, probably belonging to whoever left it here.

"Man, they sure work fast! I only asked them about it on Saturday" Kaminari spoke, walking over to his desk to see what they whipped up for him.
"Saturday? That can't be right... It takes 3 days to get commission approval, that is if everything is in order. Even so, they don't do those things on weekends, do they?" Yaoyorozu asked confused, not understanding how this could possibly be cleared for use.

Kaminari shrugged, it's not like he bothered knowing how the whole system behind that functioned. He took the paper and unfolded it, his eyes widening a bit at the handwriting. Reading it only confirmed his suspicions.

Oi Pikachu, dare ask someone else to do your items one more time and I'll fucking kill you
- BK

Yep, definitely Bakugou alright. But didn't the dude himself tell him to go ask someone else..? Ugh, he can be so stubborn sometimes.
"Guess what? Kacchan made it for me~" Kaminari grinned, showing the note to the rest of the squad.
"No way! Dude, you do know you've got the first and only Bakugou original in that box, right?" Sero asked, pointing at said box.

"Oh, show me what it is! I wanna see what Blasty made you!" Ashido squealed. The rest of the class was staring at the exchange with confused looks. People still didn't actually know which course Katsuki transferred to and most people had already settled on general studies, seeing as that was the most logical option in their eyes. So to hear from his friends he built something for Kaminari and it arrived in a support course box... It left some students baffled.

"Wait... Bakugou is in the support course now?!" Uraraka gasped, connecting the dots for the rest of the class.
"What? Oh yeah, you guys didn't actually know about that yet, did you?" Kirishima laughed.
"Well, surprise, I guess? His parents are hero designers or something so he basically grew up with it"

"That's true! The Bakugou's are pretty famous for their designs" Izuku added with a smile. Todoroki frowned at that, now remembering why the name Bakugou had sounded so familiar at the start of the year. He could never quite place his finger on it and soon forgot about it all together. But hearing this, it just all fell into place.

"So are Bakugou's parents the owners of M2B or something?"

The class fell silent at the question. Of course they've all heard of M2B, like, which Japanese hero hasn't? They only existed for about 2 decades but they were a must have partner for big and small heroes alike. Izuku knew about it, but Katsuki had never really spoken about it. Something about standing in his parents shadow or something? That he was going to surpass them and make them work for him instead?

Kacchan always had a big ego like that, even as a kid... Guess the ash blonde still didn't really like to talk about it. Probably didn't want people to bother him about it. Oh God, what if the support course knew about it? They'd go absolutely crazy! Izuku bit his lip. It was better to just stay quiet. For Kacchan's sake.

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