Chapter 19 - Kiss

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People were still debating whether what Bakugou said could be true or not when their homeroom teacher entered the building.
"Listen up everyone, this is important. Has anyone seen Bakugou?" Aizawa asked, glancing around the room.
"Apparently he ran away from the nurse's office and he may not be in the best state of mind right now. It's important we locate him before something happens"

He ran away from the nurse's office? But why..? What did their sensei mean with 'not the best state of mind'? Was he under the influence of some kind of drug? Medication? Perhaps he was in a quirk accident and that was affecting him? It would explain his unusual behaviour at least.

"He came rushing into the dormitory a little while ago" Yaoyorozu explained.
"He didn't look well and he seemed rather upset... I think Midoriya took him upstairs to his room"
Of course. Problem children always band together, Shouta shouldn't have expected otherwise. Certainly because this situation involves All For One and by extension One For All. A truly bothersome quirk...

"Thank you Yaoyorozu. Can someone please run to the school and inform Recovery Girl about his whereabouts?" Aizawa asked, pointing at the door behind him.
"I'm on my way sir!" Iida yelled, his legs activating as he sprinted out the door. Alright, so that's taken care off. Now he just had to grab the ash blonde and get him back to school before his parents got here.

With a sigh, he started walking towards the elevator. It probably wasted a lot of unnecessary energy if he used the machine for only one floor, but he was tired and he really didn't feel like taking the stairs. Today had been a long day and not only because of the licensing exam. He also got updates on the raid and a report on how they failed to capture All For One.

Aizawa would lie if he said he wasn't restless. These past few days have been stressful and he's not sure he can handle one of his students being taken again. On top of that now rests the current Bakugou situation. Recovery Girl had given him the rundown of what happened and in which state the teen had been found earlier that afternoon. A classmate had found him harming himself in his room after Power Loader sent them to check up on him.

The support course teacher was anxious due to Bakugou's involvement in Kamino Ward and the whole raid going down the very same day. He thought maybe his student was in trouble instead of just skipping class. And now Katsuki knew about All For One being on the loose too... With his current mental state and their past, it was obviously a terrible combination. Recovery Girl was scared the boy might harm himself or worse... Aizawa was simply glad to have found him before anything of the sort could go down.

But he came at an awkward time, seeing as Izuku and Katsuki were having...a moment when he knocked on the door. The two teens startled apart, both unable to process what they just did.
"Midoriya? I need to know if Bakugou is in the room with you" Aizawa sensei's voice came through from the other side. Katsuki mentally cursed and he hid his red face in the blanket as he shifted onto his stomach while Izuku shot up from the mattress.

"U-uhm, yes! Yes, K-Kacchan is here with me" he answered walking up to the door and unlocking it for his homeroom teacher.
"W-why? Is someone looking for him?"
Aizawa noticed but ignored the flushed look on his student's face and allowed his eyes to dart around the room, landing on the boy laying on the bed.

"Bakugou, I need you to come with me back to Recovery Girl" Eraserhead stated, making Katsuki grumble.
"Oh, is this about the cut in his arm?" Izuku asked, making Aizawa look back at him again. Had Bakugou told him about the self-harm? If so, he must not have known for very long. Midoriya wasn't the kind of person to keep such information to himself. Most definitely not if it involved the health of someone he cared about.

"O-or is this a-about, uhm, y-you know? A-All For One..?"
"Both" Eraser stated, not surprised Bakugou had told him about the escape of All For One. It's probably why he came straight here in the first place. He was in on the secret too, after all.
"...You called my parents, didn't you? I heard Recovery Girl talk about it" Katsuki muttered as he got up, wiping some of his remaining tears away.

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