Chapter 48 - A Frustrating Situation

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A/N I have an exam tomorrow so I can't update then, have an early update as a treat XD

So I'm not really sure whether vaguely metioning what happens at Deika counts as manga spoilers but I'm gonna say it anyway just to be sure even though I'm pretty sure they're gonna cover this in season 5 anyway. But if the tag is up there than it counts for the rest of the story as wel and I don't really know what's happened in the anime already so better safe then sorry haha

First both young Midoriya and young Bakugou got into a fight with a criminal who broke into UA grounds and now young Bakugou was missing! All Might was worried, to say the least. The blood that was found in the crater was being analyzed, but the faculty already had a good idea who it might belong to... That didn't mean that Toshinori wasn't looking all over in case, by some miracle, Bakugou was still somewhere on campus. That's also when he saw Inko outside of the faculty housing facility, crawling forward with great difficulty.

"Inko!" Yagi gasped, instantly running to her side.
"What happened? Are you okay? Can you stand?"
"I-I don't know... C-can't move...m-most of m-my body..." she mumbled, struggling to form words as Toshinori tried to lift her up. Unfortunately this form wasn't all that strong. Actually he was quite weak, unable to lift heavy weights, let alone a whole person.

"All Might... He... He's here... Y-you have to find him"
"Who?" Yagi asked, managing to pull her up in a sitting position, sitting down next to her on the sidewalk.
"A-all...All For...O-one..." she managed to get out, tears welling up in her eyes. Toshinori's eyes widened before he coughed violently, blood rising up from his throat as he reached for a hankerchief.

"A-are you...okay..?" Inko asked, concerned about the former pro hero. All Might wiped away the blood for the most part, immediately taking out his comma instead of answering Inko.
"All For One was sighted on campus. Midoriya Inko is under the influence of some kind of paralysis. Please send assistance to the faculty housing facility" he spoke, knowing he was connected to the main open line so every facility member heard it.

The message caused some heroes to freeze up and stop what they were doing. Some of them were with students, trying to play it off so they wouldn't notice, but realizing the danger that everyone was in nonetheless. All For One was seen on campus... Maybe he was still lurking around here somewhere... They had to make sure to check every nook and cranny, but that's exactly what they'd been doing while looking for Bakugou.

It was that point that most heroes came to the same, very unsettling conclusion. Bakugou had been kidnapped. Again. This was an absolute disaster! A true nightmare! Not only was one of their students taken by villains, again, but it was the same student and the same villain.

Aizawa felt dread set in when All Might's voice reached his ears, simply staring on ahead into nothingness to let it sink in for a moment. He was standing in the doorway of the common room of the 1-A heights alliance, his class in front of him, struggling to settle down in the dorm with their many questions.

The black ray of sunshine vividly remembered the chat he had with Katsuki when the ash blonde slipped up and told him he knew All For One's identity. He remembered reading his statement, remembered how furious he felt. All For One threatened to take everything from him before taking his life... Was that what this was? Katsuki's final verdict? The price he had to pay for rooting Hisashi out?

A cold void seemed to take over Shouta's heart at the implications of that question. If they don't find him soon, Katsuki will die... That was the inevitable truth of it all, wasn't it? That's the fate the facts dictated.

"Aizawa sensei?"

Shouta blinked, pulled out of his trance, glancing down at Midoriya.
"I-I know this is selfish of me to ask a-and I'm sure UA has reasons to suspend the festival t-that you're not informing us about b-but...please... Please tell me whether or not Kacchan is okay" Izuku pleaded, worry visible in his eyes.

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