Thirty Two - Pearl

Start from the beginning

What the?

I really needed to take him shopping. Closing the doors, I spied some drawers. Yes!

Fuck me, how many white tee-shirts did my mate own? Rolling my eyes, I pulled one out and slipped it over my head. It drowned me, more like a dress. But hey, beggars couldn't be choosers and all my clothes were in a different pack house.

Once I used the bathroom and brushed my teeth, hoping he would be okay that I used his toothbrush. I headed out. I sniffed and my wolf's ears pricked. My mate was close by. As the warmth I was becoming accustomed to washed over me.

Bouncing down the stairs, two at a time, his scent became stronger. Study!

Gently, I tapped on the door and listened. "Cassius?" I kept my voice low.

No answer.

Opening a crack, I peeked inside. There was my hot piece of yumminess. And all thoughts of talking evaporated... well, more like incinerated.

He was fast asleep, wearing only a pair of shorts, which left the rest of him a delicious feast for my eager eyes. One arm rested, curled above his head, and I bit down hard on my lip to stop from moaning.

Stepping inside, I gently closed the door. With each step toward him, I soaked up the image and his warm, invigorating scent...Ah, Nutella.

Without underwear, my arousal slicked the top of my inner thighs. My wolf was panting, with her tongue hanging out.

Fuckity-fuck, we were a right pair.

But who could blame us? I would never get enough of my Alpha... my mate, as my vagina threw her two penny's worth in the mix, clenching. I thought she had a mind of her own too.

My wolf hummed out happy little yelps. There should be some pack law about him just lying around, practically naked. I couldn't think straight, whilst my fingers itched to touch. And, right now I needed to focus and ask him about Sylar and at least another ten other conversations.

But my pesky sexual appetite kicked it as I leaned down and whispered in his ear. "Caaassius."

He didn't stir. I was about to repeat when before I could say spank me pink. I was on my back and Cassius had rolled from the sofa, growling. A shake of his head a flicker of something dark shuttered across his face. I opened my mouth to speak but his lips intercepted, and my words slipped into a muffled moan and I felt his hard length press in the apex of my thighs, which did all kinds of crazy things to my girlie parts.

He groaned, breaking the kiss to leave me breathless. "Mine," he hissed as his eyes darkened from their pretty blue to coal black. I could feel his hunger for me, matching my own for him.

His mouth came down hard, tongue sweeping across mine as his weight pressed into me. I wrapped my legs around him, wanting every inch of his huge muscular form to own me.

He broke away and my legs dropped but stayed bent at the knees, feet flat on the cold floor. He pushed back to settle on his calves, his eyes widening as he ate me up.

He reached for the hem of the t-shirt and tore it from me, feasting on my nakedness. He repeated the action with his shorts, freeing his impressive cock. The tip was slicked with pre-cum, and I licked my lips.

Placing his hands on my knees, he teased my legs further apart, eyes fixed on my pussy, inhaling deeply, soaking in my arousal.

One hand roughly slid from my knee up my inner thigh where his fingers scraped over my sex, inserting a thick, hot finger. "Miiinnne," he hissed again.

Apparently, he'd woken up a man of few words. Not that I was complaining.

Breathing slow and deep, his nostrils flared as his eyes dimmed with white fiery lust as the heel of his palm rubbed against my clit and my hips lifted. "More, Cassius."

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