I knock before climbing down to the last step and both Sawyer and Thomas turn to me.

"How was breakfast?" Sawyer says at the same time Thomas says,

"Opal, you're joining us."

"Yes and cereal made me want to throw up." I try answering the both of them but they completely ignore me as they go back to reading the computer screen.

"So..." I let me word drift and Sawyer finally turns to me.

"Oh right, umm you can just watch or sort through those files." He points to large stacks of files near a wall of cabinets.

I debate which I would rather do.

I make my way to the files and watch them as I sift through them organizing them alphabetically.

About twenty minutes pass and there isn't much talking happening and when I look up it's only Thomas in the room.

"Where did Sawyer go?" I question.

"Not sure. I didn't even realize he left." Thomas looks around. "He was just at his desk."

We both look at each other confused.

"Thank you Sawyer!" We hear an excited high pitch voice and heavy foot steps coming down stairs. I walk over to the bottom and see Sawyer holding a bag.

"Where did you go?" I question.

"Breakfast? There's French toast, pancakes, hash browns, eggs, bacon. You want it I have it." He places the bags of food on the table.

"I had breakfast." I counter a little confused.

"Not a hardy one." Sawyer sets out plastic plates and forks. "Chocolate milk for the five year old." Sawyer hands me a chocolate milk and I happily take it.

We all sit around his desk,

"Hey, Thomas tell us more about you." Sawyer asks and this is the first time I've seen Sawyer relaxed and semi normal.

"As you know I'm studying chemistry to be a doctor. Your program is the most competitive to get into. I want to be a doctor. My favorite color is green." He finishes off and it makes me laugh.

"Mine too." I take a bite out of the warm fluffy French toast.

Sawyer eyes me and I can't make out if he's amused or annoyed with my response.

"What has been your biggest challenge?" Sawyer asks and Thomas gets quiet.

"Not being able to afford school. I've had to take a few semesters off to work." He eyes me and I frown.

"Isn't there grant money at the end of this program or something like that?" I question and Sawyers head snaps to me. I kick him from under the table.

"There is? I didn't read anything like that in the guidelines." Thomas seems confused yet hopeful. Our eyes are on Sawyer but Sawyer is staring intently at me.

Come on Sawyer be a Good Samaritan. I know he's loaded.

Sawyer clears his throat,

"I'm sure I can work something out." Sawyer slowly nods but I know he's secretly giving me daggers.

"I knew it." I smile.

"That will help so much." Thomas happily finishes his food.

"Opal, can I talk with you." He doesn't say it as a question, it's more of a demand.

I look to Thomas who is still eating and I turn my attention back to Sawyer,

"Sure?" I say more as a question.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن