I will admit that I'm upset about him cheating on me. But I cannot change the past, and I will not waste my precious life, holding a grudge. I have so many better things to do than to dwell on the past.

I walked into the house to see Mercy burping Trell mugging the hell out of Lucas.

"Mercy, we have to go to my house" I stated

"How did things go with Nell?" She asked. I rolled my eyes at the sound of his name. When she turned around to put the baby back in his seat, he looked just like Darnell. He doesn't have his eyes though, his eyes look Asian. Probably Mexican though.

"They went. I'm moving in with him to take care of Trell." I said taking out his bottles from his bag and putting it in the fridge.

"How are you going to do that? Like with school and stuff?" She asked. I hadn't really thought about that, but my mom could do it, I can do it too.

"I'll figure it out along the way. My mom did it, I turned out pretty good" I said shrugging. She gave me the "Bish Whet?" look.

"What?" I asked confused

"Bitch you crazy as hell. You going to make that baby just like you" She said rocking the seat back and forth because he was getting a little whiny.

"Well let's go get your stuff" She said putting the baby in the living room.

I went outside and Darnell was on the phone with an irritated look plastered on his face. He looked at me and I just rolled my eyes, and got into Mercy's car.

To: BigPoppa


-The baby is in the living room resting. I should be back before he wakes back up. We're going to go to BabiesRUs to get what he needs.

From: BigPoppa

To: Me

-Okay. I love you

I didn't reply. I'm not going to answer him saying it back, because that's going to give him the green light. The light bright red. 


I can't believe Del'Monte. How the hell you going to leave that child on the front step like that? If she really fucking cared for Trell she wouldn't have just left him like that.

But since I'm the good person that I am, I'm going to raise him. I'm going to teach him that he needs to not depend on no one but himself. Because at the end of the day, ain't nobody going to have your back like you have your back. They say they'll be there for you 24/7, but when you need them... them bitches went ghost!

But enough of that shit. I'm just going to take care of me and mines. I'm still going to try and work things out with Mya. She's going to be my baby until the end of time. I don't care what happens. She ain't going with no other nigga. But me. G Shit.


Don't ask me why Mercy was mugging me. I was on the phone with one of my girls, telling her I'm going to slide through tomorrow morning, and when I look up... Mercy just glaring at me. 

Mercy kind of cute. But she not my type. She too quiet and she seem like the type to catch feelings when you just wanted a quick nut. So I'm not even going to try. I went and sat with the baby in the living room, he started to whine. He just ate, so I guess the milk went right through him. I picked him up and smelled his butt. Pee.

I have a little sister, Chyna. My mom was never around to take care of us, so I was the one taking care of her. Well with my girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend, Anahi. But she left me for this thug. Crazy right? But that's what happened. I'm going to always be my lonely.

I changed the boy diaper and set him back down. He fell right to sleep. I left because it was going on 4 and I had to get Chyna out of school. She's four years old, and this is her first year of pre-K. I dressed my baby girl up too. She had on a Bulls tank, with some black jean capris rolled up to meet the top of her red All-Star converses. Then I put her hair into a simple tight ponytail.

The outfit might be basic, but I didn't want her to show off her best the first day. The best can come throughout the school year. But that's that.

When I pulled up to the school to get Chyna, I saw her in the front with some little boy's arm around her shoulder. Oh hell nah. Not today. Not ever. Period.


Update in 05 days!!



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