4.0 ∣ pureblood supremacist

Start from the beginning

She was tired of being yelled at as if she was not human. 

Downstairs, Lucius and others were talking to Walburga in the kitchen. As she stared down at the annotations in her book from Regulus, the girl bit the inside of her cheek.

Until there was a knock at the door, "Yes?" She called, the door opened to reveal Theo causing Y/n, to smile and jump out of her bed. Wrapping her arms around the boy, in a tight hug. 

"Merlin, I didn't expect to be tackled in a hug," Theo said, with a grin. "it's only been, a couple of weeks...has it been that bad here?"

As Y/n let go of the taller boy, Y/n explained, "Bad? It's, it's worse..." while Theo shut the door behind him, walking into the bedroom. "Mother must examine all of my letters just in case I'm writing to Sirius, like I'm going to do that, so if I didn't respond right away, I apologize." 

"I understand, it was obvious once you didn't respond to Grace right away" he mentioned, "did you try the mirror yet?" 

"I couldn't, Mom has been with me since I got back," she looked over to Theo, who was sitting next to her on the bed, "This is the first time I've been alone minus when it's dusk...but that doesn't count does it?"

"I see the Llama is okay-" He mentioned with a laugh, looking at the huge stuffed Llama that was sitting in the corner of the room causing Y/n to let out a small laugh which Theo did the same. "Grace thought about giving it to you for your birthday, but..." 

"Yes, she would not be able to wait until then, would she?" There was an awkward silence as Y/n knew exactly what Theo was asking. "I'd be glad to speak with you about Sirius, Theo."

"FIne, Have you heard from him?" He asked, "At all this summer?" 

She shook her head, looking over at him. "I haven't heard from Moony since I told him Mother was checking my mail." Y/n remarked, "I doubt I will hear from Sirius for the rest of my life.". She couldn't help but think, where could he be? Is he safe at least?

There was a knock at the door causing the two to turn to the door, "Come in-" The door slowly opened, while Kreacher peaked his head into the bedroom. "Hello, Kreacher-" 

"Master, Walburga said to come down for dinner, that Kreacher had finished" The elf spoke, while Y/n nodded.

"Thank you Kreacher, I'll be right down!" she stated, causing Kreacher to nod and leave the room. As a mother, it must have been a very difficult time for the elf." 

"How long have you had him again?" 

Sirius has been a baby since apparently"

After getting up, they proceeded to the dining room, where all of the adult diners were seated. From Theo's father, to Lucius and Narcissa who, thankfully, did not have to deal with Draco. 

A glance was exchanged by Y/n and Theo before they turned to the adults and walked to the two empty chairs. 

"The Quidditch world cup is nearing," A man said starting to eat their food, Y/n didn't know who he was but knew that the man was lucky a death eater or someone who respects Voldemort. 

Y/n sat up straight, before starting to eat the food that was on her plate. "yes, it is" Walburga said, "Y/n, I reckon you would be going with Theo and Newman?" When Y/n lifted her eyes from the plate, a glint of tiredness flickered in her eyes as she looked at Walburga. 

"Yes, mother," she replied, clearly "Mr and Mrs Newman would be accompanying us." 

"I like those Newman's-" A woman spoke, another one yet Y/n didn't know who it was. "Better pureblood's then your wife, Nott-" 

"Yet, she is not a pureblood, but rather a mudblood squib..." Mr Nott chuckled in an obnoxious tone as Theo stared at him in an attempt to shut him up. 

"Father," Theo sharply said, Y/n glanced at him before placing her hand onto his, trying to calm the boy down just in case anything bad happened. The pureblood's turned to Theo almost looking at him sideways. 

"Quiet boy," Mr Nott spoke, slurring his word's almost. "You are going to end up like your mother, taking muggle studies-" 

Looking at him, Lucius asked, "Is he really this boy?" Y/n squeezed his wrist trying to calm him down and not say anything, almost as a warning.

"A majority of purebloods encounter this requirement," Y/n replied, coming up with a solution and Walburga glared at her daughter, "Some don't, some must...Theo must take it." Purebloods nodded and she let go of Theo's hand.

He stormed out of the room after getting up from the table. Y/n was just staring down at her plate as Walburga sent a warning glance her way, while she was looking for her best friend and wanting to make sure that everything is okay with him. 

As soon as dinner was over, the time flew by. While people were leaving the house, Y/N knocked on the bathroom door, which opened; Theo glanced at her and then walked out of the house himself. 

"You're welcome to stay with us until we leave for the world cup, Theo...Mother gave him a potion...because he was drunk..." Theo didn't say anything and just nodded. 

Y/n had written to Grace while Walburga was sleeping, telling her everything that had happened to Theo's father again while they were getting ready for bed. Theo had to wear the same clothes as before. "Grace is aware," Y/n said with a sigh, sitting on the bed while crossing her leg. 

"Y/N you do so much for me, I shouldn't stay," Theodore said as he sat behind her, looking over at her. 

Y/n turned and stood up shaking her head before grabbing onto his arm and pulling him to the bed. "You must, and you shall..." "You can borrow some of Sirius' clothes or something....but you're staying..." She replied. 

"You always solve my home problems..."

"Well, your dad is angry..." Y/n explained, "And you don't go back there until he calms down...and you calm down." Theodore nodded, as Y/n climbed into the bed and shut off the lights. There was a candlelit in the distance, while it lit up the side of her room, the sound of raindrops hitting the window could be heard

"Thank you," Theodore murmured. His eyes were filled with adoration as he gazed at her. 

"Your welcome.." Y/n muttered, closing her eyes and drifting into a deep sleep as she gazed over at him. Getting ready for bed, Theodore glanced at her for a moment, sighed, and turned his head. 

┉┉┉┉┉˚* ┉┉┉┉┉
(Words: 1580)

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