Twenty Nine - Sylar

Start from the beginning

What? Swim? I looked left toward the water. "Do you?" Hold Up, wasn't she afraid of the water?   "I thought you didn't like the water?"

She nodded. "I didn't. Orion nearly drowned when we were younger. And for years the fear of it has hung over me like a dark blanket." She shook her head. "But since escaping and you saving me, all the dread I feel for the water has vanished."

She looked out at the water and then back at me. "I don't want to be afraid of anything, Sylar. I want to live every moment I—" she stopped.


Hesitating. "Nothing, it's nothing." She pulled my hand. "C'mon." Dragging me with her to the water's edge, she dropped my hand and didn't dither to lift her dress up and over her head, revealing her body.

Holy Goddess!

I stood there gaping like a fish, eyes wide, staring like I'd never seen a naked body.

Well, in real life—I hadn't. I'd made a vow to save myself for my mate. That's not to say I hadn't seen pictures. Gunner had thoughtfully left a stash of Adult Magazines on my bed without a note telling me to 'deal with my shit, and loosen up.' I admit I looked purely out of fascination.

Yeah right! My wolf huffed at the lie I told myself.

Visually eating up her near nakedness, stood before me in pretty pink underwear. Saliva pooled in my mouth and my brain packed up and headed south, causing my dick to swell, firmly pressing against the zipper.

Her skin looked silky soft. Small round breasts. She was slim, toned and feminine, almost delicate.

If I had an ideal woman—there she was. She was perfect. Perfect for me.

And mine. My Mate.

My wolf grumbled, but I pushed out his thoughts. There was no confusion for me who was our mate. It was Willa. I chose Willa.

She looked at me curiously. "You okay Sylar?"

I nodded; the power of speech was lost before I gave my head a little wobble. "Pink is my favourite colour."

Oh. My. Goddess. Someone please shoot me now! Could I sound any more stupid?

Willa grinned as a blush flushed across her cheeks. "You need to take your clothes off."

I didn't move. If I took off my jeans, she would see my erection.

"Sylar?" she prompted again. "Race you!" Willa slipped off her pumps and took the initiative, running into the water.

Shit! I toed off my trainers, unfastened and shucked off my jeans, lifting my tee-shirt free. All in a record ten seconds flat. I looked down, adjusting my boxers. At least if she was swimming, she couldn't see how much I wanted her.

Taking a few steps into the water. I didn't need to worry about my dick. The cold had him shrinking faster than water down a drain. I hissed at the unforgiving temperature and kept on walking. Water now above my waist, I swore my balls had shrunk to the size of peanuts.

Why had I agreed to this? The water was the most efficient thief of heat that I knew of.

Willa had swum out quite a distance, but turned and waved. "Swim, you'll get warm."

The blue tint on my face and the chattering of teeth must have given away how cold I was. Willa swam back toward me.

We had to be crazy doing this.

Stop being a wimp and go under! At least my inner voice had some balls.

Willa giggled, but then inhaled a deep breath and submerged herself.

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