Chapter 26.

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Hey Guys!!!!

The Twenty- Sixth chapter.

I don't own Mahabharat.

I am back. Wohooo!!

My grand- father is better than before and out of danger.
Thank you for your wishes and prayers.

Happy Reading!!


Third POV

"Leave Avanti, immediately. If I hear that even your ghost was roaming anywhere near our kingdom, I will ensure that your death comes early. GET IT!?" She literally screams at the end.

Jarasandh nods mutely, before walking out of the court room. His face, having fear, that nobody had seen before on his face. He was to in shock to retort to her. His ego had been bruised, and the people who knew Jarasandh knew that he would not stay silent.
But then seeing Ananya, they doubted that he could cause much harm to the kingdom of Avanti.

"I am proud of you." Bhagwan Parshuram says. The implication of the line was clear, he wouldn't hear anything to dis- respectful towards her or for that matter any lady.
Bishma shivered remembering his fight he had against his Gurudeva on similar matter. He would never like to go through that again, not that he was dis- respecting any lady or something.

"I think, that was enough evidence that there is nobody much more deserving than her, as my second- in- command" Karn asks the silent court room.

Nobody spoke up, her strength and power had just been tested by Jarasandh and nobody in the room wanted to go through it really.

"Great, we proceed." Karn smiled.

Bhagwan Parshuram discussed something with the Pandit and motioned Ananya to come over.
"You need to pledge your loyalty to the Kingdom of Avanti."

Ananya nods her head, folding her hands in respect at the old sage. She walks up the steps where Karn was seated and knelt on the last step.

"I, Ananya Yadav Kumari, the daughter of Vasudev and Devaki, pledge my loyalty to respected Devrat Karn, the Maharaj of Avanti." She vows.
"Never in any circumstance shall I let any ill befall on him. I will give up my life if it means to save him and will die fighting only."

"Today, in presence of this court, and Bhawan Parshuram, I pledge myself in the loyalty of Maharaj Devrat Karn." She finishes. Raising her hand in a half cup sort of way, she bought it between her eyes and bowed her head ever so slightly. Blinking her eyes in re- assertion.

All the people in the court, noted that she vowed to Maharaj Karn and not to the throne.
Why would she do that?

Karn smiled at her, "I accept the oath."

Bhagwan Parshuram walked up the stairs with and comes to stop in front of Ananya who had raised from her previous position.

"May you have the power to full- fill your job always." He blesses her. She bows her head in respect, accepting the blessing.

A Dasi with a sword on plate stepped ahead and Bhagwan Parshuram picked it up, from the plate. Ananya had gone down to one knee in front of him.

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