Chapter 1.

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Thanks for giving this story a try. I hope you enjoy.

I don't own Mahabharat.

Happy Reading!!


Third POV

Raj Kumari Kunti of Kunti Bhoj, a mere girl of fifteen, was cuddling with the child she had just received, from Surya Dev.
A few months ago, the venerable sage Durvasa had visited the palace of Kunti- Bhoj. She had requested her father to go serve the great sage, and Yadav chief Shurusen, happy with her daughter's wish had complied him.

Kunti pleased sage, Durvasa with her devotion and patient service to him. He was as also was sage pleased easily, Kunti's utter dedication to her work and perseverance was a cherry on the top of a cake.
Thus, before leaving her father's kingdom, he gave her a boon. He taught her a Mantra (Chant), by uttering which, she could invoke any of the celestial god of her choice and get a son from the same.

After Sage Durvasa's departure Kunti had been curious weather the Mantra (Chant) she had got really worked or not.
So, today morning she had uttered the Mantra invoking the Sun God- Surya Dev. To her sheer amazement he had appeared, in front of her on her call.
She folded her palms and expressed her gratitude to the Sun- God for appearing before her and requested him to return to his adobe above, Surya Lok. But he could not do so, for he had to honor Sage Durvasa's boon and give Kunti a son.

And that is how Kunti found herself here, the kid in Kunti's hand was glorious and as divine as his father, she had just met. Also, he was born with a natural, impenetrable golden armor and ear- ring, a blessing from Surya dev. He was the cutest child; she had ever seen and didn't need to wait for the future to know that he would be a very handsome young man and a capable fighter too.

Kunti let the basket kept with child float. A high pitch scream, wrenching out of her, as the basket took her first kid away.
She was heart- broken, but what could she do? She was a daughter, before being a mother. She couldn't let the society question her father, right? She could have lived with being criticized, but what was her fathers' fault? Somebody who always taught her do the right thing. One who had always let her do things she wanted to do, less it was out of decorum. It wasn't his fault? Then why should he be questioned and blamed?

Joining her hand she said, "Hey Mahadev, Narayan, Brahma Dev. If I, Raj Kumari Kunti, princess of Kunti Bhoj, has been a pure sole, never defied others. Always worked for people's safety, cared for others. As, a blessing, please ensure that my son, Kaunteya Karn, reaches someone who loves him. And cares for him. Take my soul if you have to but please ensure that no harm can reach my son and he finds a loving home."


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