Chapter 24.

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Hey Guys!!!!

The Twenty- Fourth chapter.

I don't own Mahabharat.

Happy Reading!!


Third POV

Part of the royal family was going to Avanti for Karn's coronation. The seven princes (The four Pandeva's, Duryodhana, Dushassan), Guru Dronacharya, Ashwatthama, Maharani Gandhari, Rani Kunti, Dushala and Maha Mahim were going there for the crowning ceremony.

Previously this week, Guru Drona had asked for his guru Dakshin and the Kuru princes had gone on a war to Panchal and made Ashwatthama the king of half Panchal. What was surprising a little, was that the princes refused to take this as a competition, they went to fight as a unit that was as Kuru Princes and effectively defeated Dhrupad.
The Yuvraj of Hastinapur had yet to be decided, it had been rescheduled.

They entered the decorated palace in amazement, it was beautiful. Absolute breath taking. The people were moving all around, working at their job.

"Maha Mahim." A voice calls. They find a man walking towards them.

"Pranipatra." He greets.

"Awasthi Ji!" The eight princes say in sync, they were surprised.

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The man- Awasthi ji- smiles, "Glad you all could join us."

"But.... But ...... you ..." Duryodhana splutters.

"You did saw, the two of them there." Awasthi Ji says. "If you could follow me, I would like to guide you to your chambers."

The visitors followed the Awasthi Ji. As he took him to what felt like the secluded part of the palace. He took them where there was a series of room, seven of them artistically arranged, all the rooms had twin beds. There was a big balcony connected through the main room, that overlooked the stunning city. Just outside the rooms were pieces of parchment that had names written, for who could share with whom.

-- Time Skip –

It was time for the ceremony so the Kuru family, or the piece of Kuru family that was here, got ready and head towards the throne room. They were joined by Krishna, Balram, Arjun and Subhadra.

Subhadra was dressed in beautiful yellow lengha that large green border with green blouse. Along with it came a greenish- blue dupatta, that was translucent. She had a necklace, few bangles and her hair open, curled at one of her side.
Dushala was wearing a yellow lengha just like her friend but hers had flowers all over and a shorter border. Just like Subhadra her blouse was also green. Just the difference was of the duptta that was orange for Dushala. She was wearing large ear- rings and a Maang- tikka.

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