Chapter 11.

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Hey Guys!!!!

The eleventh chapter.

I don't own Mahabharat.

Happy Reading!!


Third POV

The royal family of Hastinapur all had assembled in one room, they wanted to know more about this Devrat Karn.
Everyone was there except the father- son duo and the sisters of Dwarka. They didn't had to wait for a longer time, the four people entered the room.

"Wow! The whole family." Karn whistled.
"I feel so welcomed." He whispers sarcastically, to the sisters beside him, but in the silence, all of them hear it. Ananya snorts and Subhadra giggles.

The family was surprised to see the bonding between them. They looked so close to one another, but here, the family weren't even aware of their existence.

"Let's get this over with." Karn mumbles as he drags the two girls to one of the seat in the room, Ananya sits in middle of Karn and Subhadra.
Slowly, the rest of the family also take their places in the room. Uncertain how how to deal with the big elephant in room.

"Tat shree, why didn't we know about...... ?" Maha Mantri Vidor asks slowly, un sure whether it was even good to do that.

"He is my adopted son he has nothing to do with Hastinapur." Bishma says, his voice was different from what they had heard, all these years.

"What he means, is he saved me from dying in the river of Ganges and adopted me. Promising Dadi that neither will I sit on the throne nor serve the throne." Karn says, his expression showing his seriousness.

"Dadi?" Dhritarashtra asked confused. Who was Karn calling that?

"Pita Mahi Satyavati" Karn answers, a soft reminisces smile on her face.

"She let you call that?" Dhritarashtra said astonished, and realized his mistake, because in another instant he was changed, his previous mask back.

They were surprised when tears started to flow out of his eyes, he closed his eyes and swallowed as Ananya wrapped her arms around him, he leant against her.
They moved together, one adjusted easily to the other. The others realized that they were very well aware of one another's movement and were accustomed to it.

Subhadra looked at them, sad smile on her face. As if she knew why that simple question hurt him that much and was worried for Karn.

Suddenly, he gets up and walks to the window there. Whispering something to Ananya.

"What happened to him?" Bishma asks, his vulnerability visible in his voice.

"We met Dadi, when we were studying, she informed us about all the things that had happened here. Then she died." Ananya all but whispered the last part. As, if it hurt her too. "Under Gurudeva's guidance, he did the last rites."

Everybody realized why he was so hurt, the flash back of her being dead was visiting him. It chilled everyone's heart to realize at what he had to go through.

"Is he alright?" Bishma finally asks.

"He is. Just topics like these, falter his steps a little." Ananya looks at Karn.

"When did it happen?" Rani Kunti asks.

"He was fifteen." Ananya answers. Looking at Kunti, deeply.
Kunti felt as if somebody was looking deal inside her soul. As if somebody had exposed her to the open world. As if all her secrets were barred open to the world. 

Bishma and Karn- Destiny PlayersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz