34. trouble

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After everything's finally has calm down, dad wants to have a family meeting with me and my brothers.

He said there will be some changes for me. First, I wont be in Jungkook's class anymore. Instead, I'll be joining the first years. It's fair cause they're all the same age as me. So I have to restudy things. 

My bodyguard will be Roy, the boy who works under my brothers and my first friend in school. I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend until I turn 20 and I have to ask permission if I want to hang out with my friends.

This is going to be troublesome for a moment. 


"Oppa, let's go to that cafe." I said and pointed to a white painted building. 

"Is't a new cafe? I never seen it before." Joonie oppa asked and I nodded. I know cause it's my friend's cafe.

"Okay, let's check it out." He said and I ran inside first.

"Hey looks who's here." I heard a familiar voice and turned to see seven boys siting at a coffee table. I blushed. "Hi guys."

They each return a smile at me and I blushed even harder. "Glad you could make it Y/N." One of them said.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turn to peek and saw my brothers behind me. Oh right. I forgot about them.

"Hmm? Who are these people Y/N? Your friends?" Jimin oppa asked. I gulped. "Yeah they are Enhypen. They're from my class. Guys, introduce yourselves. These are my brothers, Bangtan."

"I'm Niki, maknae and a big fan of you BTS." 
"My name's Jay."
"Jungwon, leader."
"I'm Sunoo, nice to meet you."
"I'm Jake."
"Sunghoon, hello."

My brothers nodded and they started to introduce themselves.

JAY: Y/n always talks about you guys.

NIKI: Yeah. How you guys strict and all.

RM: We did it to protect her.

JUNGWON: We know. You guys are great brothers.

JAKE: Your sister is beautiful btw.

SUNGHOON: She captures our hearts.

SUNOO: Too bad we can't have her now.

They all smirked and I ended up burying my face in my hands because I blushed hard. I can feel my brothers getting angrier and angrier. Oh boy.

Jimin oppa pulled me closer to him and hugged me in a protective way. While the others stepped forward. Idiots, idiots...

"I hope that's just a joke." Said Hobi oppa. "I'm sorry but she belongs to us." Said tae oppa.

The idiots laugh at the statement. "I'm sorry hyung. We're just joking." Said Niki. "She doesn't belong to us ...........yet." He said and wink at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Y-yah oppa...they're just being idiots, don't take them seriously." I said and they all turned to me. Again, I turned red. 

"It's nice to meet you guys. I hope we could hang out sometimes, knowing more about each other." Said Suga oppa. They all nodded and smiled in return.

I don't know what came cross my mind when he said 'get to know each other more' because what I said next could be the end of me.


Suga and Hobi oppa's eyes widen. Jungkook oppa quickly cover my mouth with his hands and Jimin oppa's grip got tighter. I can see that Enhypen almost chocked and some tried to hide from laughing.

"omg young lady who taught you that?" uh-oh...Jinnie oppa heard.

Jungkook looked at me with 'you're dead' face. While Tae oppa just- I think his mind was out somewhere cause he seems unbothered. I mean I just called them gays.

"Uh- you know what, let's go home." I said, nervously laugh.

"Fine, let's go. You're already in trouble for having seven boyfriends." He scoffed. "What? They're not-"

"Oh baby, you're not admitting that?" Heeseung smirked and raised an eyebrow. I shot a glare at him. Because I'm blushing hard.

"Alright that's it. In the car princess, now." Hobi oppa lift me and put me on his shoulder and the others follow him behind. I whined all the way home.


"Can't sleep princess?" I heard a knock on the door and saw Suga oppa.

I shook my head and he entered my room. He sat beside me on my bed and hugged me. "What's wrong oppa?" 

He rest his head on my shoulder and shook his head. "Just a dream. I'm glad you're okay." I chuckled hearing his reason. "I'm fine. Your hair his soft oppa." I ruffled his hair softly. It's like cotton candy.

Suga oppa hummed in return. I could hear him purring or soft snores. He's so cute. I hold tight the neckless I had on my hand and carefully kissed it. "Oppa, there's something I want to give you."

He lift his head to looked at me and I show him the neckless. "For me?" He asked and I nodded. He looked at the small silver rectangle hanging on the neckless. Yes, I changed the neckless so it wont looked obvious. I place the keys inside the small box, knowing it would be in safe hands.

His eyes sparkled. "Turn around oppa, I'll do it for you." He nodded and turned around. "Please take good care of it oppa." I whispered at his ears. He nodded. "I'll protect it like my life depends on it." I giggled and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed red.

"You want to sleep with me tonight oppa?" I ask as I lay down my bed, patting the space beside me. He chuckled and lay next to me. We cuddled and slowly I went to my own dreamland.

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