30. the end for us

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??? POV

I need to hurry. I need to find him. I need to end this. It's my fault. It's my fight. It's my battle. 
Shit why is this building's hella big! But somehow I could manage. 

I was running to the staircase when I heard gun shots. There, he must be there. I peeked down from above and I saw Suho fighting with two Kim brothers from Bangtan. This could turn out bad, since Bangtan doesn't know that I'm on their side, I might die if I'm being careless.

"Please don't kill my brother." I whispered to myself. I could see Taehyun and V from a tiny window, ready to snipe whoever interrupts the battle. I cursed under my breath. I guess I need to wait for the right moment.

I took the time by observing my brother. He looks strong, stronger than before. And crazier. He's fighting Bangtan's leader and Bangtan's strongest member alone, if he didn't welcomed the devil who changed him, I would have said I'm proud of him.

I knew all he did was for his sweat revenge. And if it isn't me who interrupted his plans five years ago, this wouldn't happened. So this is entirely my fault. I'm the reason he became like this. So I need to fix this. I knew my brother more than anyone else and I know that he stills love me.

"I'm sorry Suho, I'm sorry Yeonjun, I'm sorry Y/N.........I'm sorry mom and dad......" I pulled my gun from my waistband and crawled down the stairs without being noticed. My fingers are broken so it looks like I can only count on my middle finger to shoot.

"This seems familiar somehow..."


Yeonjun's POV

So I'm trapped. And Y/N is still with me. And my surrounding is collapsing. I could turned back but the passageway is too long it would be like running inside a rat's cage. And I'm the rat.

I could continue running and became Y/N's shield but who knows how long I could hold my consciousness. I'm still bleeding from escaping and the tortures. I'm loosing blood and Y/N must be worse than me. Her back is bleeding, I think she broke some bones. Her ones white shirt is now painted with her own blood coming from her back.

Is feels like this happened before.

I was running back to the long passage way since it's the only way I could go, and there's no window I could jump out to. When the wall beside me suddenly busted. I heard someone coughing and cursing.

"Jungkook hyung?" I finally got a glance on him after my vision was blurred my the dusts.

Jungkook hyung looked at me and Y/N and widen his eyes. "Yeonjun? Oh my god Y/N? I finally found you two." He wanted to gave us a hug when the ground started to shake again.

"Come on, Hope hyung and Jimin is waiting at the exit." He said and let me walk through the hole he just punched.

"Thanks hyung." He smiled and replied with a 'hurry up'.


"OM geeee. where do you two... come from....." I heard Jimin shouted. I rolled my eyes, now I know who made the building go drunk.

Jungkook hyung rolled his eyes too. "Yah! come on. We have them both now let's get out of here."


Suga's POV

"Give up already Suho. Your men are all down. It's only you left. It's over!" I shouted, hopping for him to surrender. This is a never ending battle.

Suho laugh like a maniac. "Not until all of you are dead!"

"Just gave up already, we already have our men outside ready to shoot you!" Said Namjoon and I nodded. He chuckled. "Then what are they waiting for? Why aren't they shooting already? Is killing me a job too impossible for you Kims?" He grinned.

He punched Namjoon when he's off guard and send him flying back and hit the wall. "Namjoon!" I shouted.

But he's faster, he suddenly appeared behind behind me and kicked my back, sending me flying and landed on Namjoon who's already unconscious. "Seriously Joon? Do you have to fall asleep now?" I hissed to the pain.

Suho's walking towards us two. I knew that time, it's the end for us. "Worried about your dear brother?" He picked up my gun that I dropped when he send me flying.

"Shit." I cursed. Namjoon is heavy, that one shot could kill ether both of us. But since he's skilled, I bet he could kill us with just one bullet. I admit he's stronger than me.

"Hyung wait!"

I heard someone shouted from behind the staircase. It's Sehun! Suho's little brother. He pointing a gun towards..........Suho? Suho chuckled seeing the younger's action. "Stay out of this Sehun! I don't want to hurt you!" He shouted, giving a warning to the younger to not get closer.

But Sehun didn't took the warning. He slowly made his way in front of Suho, he's now the opposite side of us. "Hyung, please don't do this." He said.

"What're you gonna do about it?" Suho asked in a serious tone. Sehun gulped. "I-"

"You're going to kill your own brother?" He interrupt. Sehun didn't answer, soon his eyes were getting teary. "Come on, I know you love me. And I still love you." The elder chuckled. 

Sehun took a deep breath. "Th-this is the end for us."

"Sehun, no!"  I shouted but it's too late.

Sehun shot Suho but at the same time, Suho reacted and shot Sehun. The brothers shot each other, right on the chest.


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