Your Love Is Wicked

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Liam’s an angel, sent to Earth to spread good throughout the people of the world, but how can he be a perfect physical representation of all that is good and just when he acts like a human, the most imperfect creature of all?

Liam doesn’t know if Zayn feels the same way, if along the way Zayn lost his purpose on Earth too. Liam thinks Zayn did though, some way or another, Zayn began to lose what made him a demon, because otherwise, why would Zayn have searched for Liam when they were such polar opposites?

Or maybe, Zayn is still a perfect little demon and Liam is the lost, confused one. Who knows? Certainly not him. It’s not like the two of them ever talk. It’s not like Zayn tells Liam anything about himself. It’s not like they have anything but a desperate, physical connection between two supernatural beings in a world full of tiny little humans, a connection that Liam can’t help loving and hating at the same time, even though he knows both feelings are wrong.

It’s not like they even care for each other. After all, an angel caring for a demon... How pathetic would that be?

They fuck. Nothing else but that.

Liam hates that word. It’s crass and rude and a perfect representation of what he and Zayn have. It’s meaningless and devoid of any real emotion and Liam shudders every time Zayn whispers it into his ears. It’s harsh and it rolls off your tongue far too easily and Liam came all over Zayn’s chest after the first time he said it.

- - -

“Are you thinking of me, darling Angel?” Zayn asks as he steps into Liam’s dimly-lit bedroom.

Liam had been expecting him. Zayn always shows on Sundays at ten past five p.m., like clockwork. Liam thinks Zayn finds it ironic that they do this – that they fuck – on God’s most sacred day. He doesn’t know for sure though, Liam doesn’t know anything for sure when it comes to Zayn, and he doesn’t ask either. The two of them don’t really talk, at least not about anything important.

“No.” Liam lies and that’s another thing: he lies now. He didn’t lie when he first came to Earth. Just the thought of lying was offensive to him.

Look at him now. Lying like it’s nothing, sleeping every day, eating animals like an animal himself, fucking a demon and being everything an angel should not.

It’s disgusting and Liam hates it – hates himself – but he doesn’t know how to be anything else. Not anymore.

Zayn moves like a serpent, sly and slow, like every step is calculated and measured to the last, little detail. Like he knows exactly what he’s doing, not a single doubt flowing in his blood. He practically glides through the floor. Liam has always wondered if he did it on purpose, or if it was just another part of his bizarre physiology, a natural demon trait.

“Liar, liar, your pants are on fire.” Zayn sing-songs before he settles in front of Liam, who is sitting on the edge of his double bed.

Zayn leans down and cradles Liam’s head gently with his hands, hovering in front of Liam for the tiniest second with his eyes closed in pleasure as he inhales deeply. “Did you miss me?” Zayn asks against Liam’s lips, eyes still closed. He looks beautiful, so fragile and so strong at the same time. Liam wants nothing more than to have him.

“Yes.” He admits like a coward, but it’s worth it for the brilliant smile Zayn gives him. When Zayn smiles, Liam can pretend, even if just for one second, that Zayn’s not a demon, and that what they’re doing doesn’t go against everything Liam should stand for.

“Good.” Zayn murmurs before he kisses Liam’s lips slowly at the same time as he exhales.

Zayn kisses like he’s got no rush, no worries, no need to hurry things along. He kisses like he wants to enjoy everything as thoroughly as he can, tracing his tongue over the corner of Liam’s lips before he forces Liam’s mouth apart and takes whatever he wishes to have. Zayn kisses like he couldn’t think of anything better to do with his time, pulling Liam’s bottom lip between his own with his sharp teeth before biting it.

Ziam (Oneshots)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum