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The two just stood still, only noticing each other's presences. Everyone around them gave each other a look, Kate and Bella smirking a little. After a few minutes of an awkward silence, Emmet cleared his throat. The two vampires soon broke from their trance, Brooklyn mentally rolling her eyes as she turned to face her brother annoyed.

Edward, being the one to try and ease the tension soon spoke up. "Think about it, Brooke! Out of all of us, even Bella, your gifts are the most impossible, yet..incredible. Aro will wanna use that against us, I know for a fact he'll want you on his side!" Alistair immediately stiffened at the thought of Aro turning his mate against him, before he could get the chance to get to know her properly.

"I-it's impossible to move something with..your mind! Even for me!" Kate went to speak as she quickly continued, "the only thing I've done with my mind control is stop Emmets strength!" The tall, dark haired man looked down in embarrassment almost as she huffed.

As she once again went to walk away, her eyes found the blonde vampires. Alistair sent her, much to their shock a smile. Yes, it was only a reassuring one but in Brooklyn's mind, it felt like more. She felt her stomach twist a little, another sensation of butterflies erupted in her stomach. Taking a minute, she took a slow breath before looking back at her cousin. They watched as she walked closer to one of the broken trees in front of them, not taking her eyes from it once.

"Just concentrate!" Edward spoke after a long pause. Brooklyn took in her brother words and kept her gaze forward, her hands fidgeting a little. She focused her mind, trying to not let anything around distract her.

With her hearing, this wasn't going how she wanted it to. She could hear some birds chirping together from across the forest, soon, moving onto a couple of children running around the streets of Forks happily together. The sound of animals running past freely together. Sighing, she took a breath and quickly shook her body as everyone just watched. Bella held onto her husbands arm, her eyes not leaving the young vampire.

After a few minutes, nothing seemed to happen. Brooklyn turned back to the group annoyed, sending them an 'I told you so' look. "Your not concentrating!" Kate spoke, giving her youngest cousin a glare.

"Shut it, sparky!" Carlisle, Jacob, Rosalie and Esme all slowly joined the group after hearing the fiery haired vampire shouting.

"Everything ok?"

"Garret thinks Brooke can enhance her mind control.." Edward spoke, earning a confused look from each of them.

"We tried it didn't work! Can we just forget it now?"

"If you just concentrate, focus on the obj-"

"I did focus! It's-it's impossible to move something with your mind!"

"And it's also impossible for vampires to exist!" Rolling her eyes, she sent them all an annoyed look as Kate took her chance again. "I know, it's seems stupid..but you just have to stay focused on it. Your abilities are..indescribable and unimaginable, Aro will want to use that to his advantage..he'll want you on his side!" She scoffed loudly, rolling her eyes once again as Edward went on.

"If it does come to a fight in the end, your gifts can take out half of the Volturi. You just have to think on what you wanna-"

"Will everyone stop telling me to concentrate, or focus! I've tried already!" Just as she went to walk away, Jacob quickly spoke up.

"Angry much?" Brooklyn's head shot toward him as he just smirked.

"Shut it dog!" Carlisle quickly calmed his daughter down, knowing how bad her temper could get out of control sometimes. Jacob however just scoffed, earning another glare from the young woman. "Don't test me!"

"Or what?" He teased, watching as she stepped closer. Jacob didn't move once, he was still a little worried on the inside as the last time he crossed her, he ended up with two bruised. eyes. Brooklyn laughed a little, ignoring his comments.

"Your lucky I don't like wolf blood..otherwise you'd be nothing but a rotten corpse!" With that, she turned on her heel. About to walk away, Brooklyn only reached a few steps as the wolf man spoke behind her.

"Like your little boyfriend, I'm guessing?!" Immediately, Brooklyn's feet stopped. They all looked between the two in shock, once new vampires had started arriving to join their fight, they all knew of what happened with Daniel. They knew it was a touchy subject for the fiery haired woman and most importantly knew never to mention it, especially when she was angry.

Brooklyn's fist clenched tightly, the sound of her knuckles cracking loudly. "Jacob!" Bella spoke, glaring at her friend annoyed. Just as he went to defend himself, they watched as Brooklyn turned on her heel and stormed back toward him. Jacobs face changed, quickly, he stumbled back as she grabbed his shirt.

"Don't you, EVER mention his name again!" Lifting her hand, she wrapped it around his throat. Gripping harshly as his feet lifted off the ground a little, immediately, everyone other than Alistair rushed up as the tall, tanned man choked. After a few minutes, she let go. Jacob slowly caught back his breath before facing the young girl once again, her eyes never taken off him.

No one spoke, the only sound they could hear was Brooklyn's breath quickening slightly. She held an evil glare on the man. All their faces changed however as the wind around them began quickening itself, giving each other confused glances. Brooklyn kept her stance very serious, not once did she dare to move. Bella's head shot toward her as the gust of wind became heavier. Emmet, Edward, Carlisle and Garret all held their mates closer. Alistair, quickly thinking on the top of his head rushed up toward the young woman in worry.

This failed however as he was pushed back, everyone fell over their feet, still watching what was happening in front of them. Just then, the wind started slowing down, but just as they thought everything stopped, a loud crashing sound came from behind the young woman.

Trees, leaves, branches, anything you could think off suddenly collapsed onto the ground. Everything went quiet..


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