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Walking back up stairs, Brooklyn stopped her tracks as everyone was stood there. Her eyes met with Jaspers, sending him a quick smile before he quickly left the room. Alice patted her younger sisters arm before following her mate outside.

"It's my fault.."

"No it's not!"

"I shouldn't have stood there, I should have helped!"
Esme went to comfort her daughter but stopped as the young girl just ran up the stairs, the feeling of her eyes burning up as tears began to form in her eyes.

The next morning came quicker than thought, Brooklyn woke up to the feeling of someone shaking her. Looking up, she groaned as Rosalie stood there with her usual angry look. "I'm sleeping!"

"Get up! Pack! We're leaving in an hour!" With that the blonde sped out the room, leaving her younger sister sat there confused. Jumping out of her large double bed, Brooklyn ran down the stairs, hoping what she just heard was a complete joke.

Turning the corner, her eyes wife's as everything around her was now in boxes. Each vampire running around as quickly as possible. "Wha-"

"No time, I'll explain in the car! Go and pack the things you need.."

"Are we leaving?"

"Yes, now go quickly we don't have much time!" Waiting another second, she sighed and reluctantly ran back up the stairs and into her bedroom. Grabbing a large duffle bag, she started throwing some clothes inside, along with her books, laptop, makeup and some bathroom essentials.

After an hour of panicking and packing, the young girl was now stood outside of her childhood home, just staring at it. She had no time and just changed into a simple pair of jeans and one of jaspers shirts. Carlisle looked at her, his heart breaking a little as she let out a tear.

"Where's Eddie?"

"He's gone to say goodbye to Bella..you'll see him in a few weeks-"

"Weeks?" Carlisle gently took her arm, pulling her over to the car as she let out a few more tears. "No..w-why won't he come with us?"

"He needs to be alone..needs time!" She took a moment, taking a breath before she wiped her eyes and quickly got into the car.
"Ok, we're leaving-"

"Yeah, I got that part! Why?"

"..people at work have noticed I don't look what I'm supposed to..for my age!" She stared at him unamused, keeping a straight face.

"That's the biggest bullshit excuse I've ever hear in my life!"

"Well, your just gonna have to believe it!" With that he turned back to facing forward, taking a minute before he slowly began driving. Brooklyn looked out as her old house soon disappeared from view.


Eventually, after a long plane ride and a few hours of driving, the Cullen's made it to their new home, New York. Alice and Jasper decided to use their enhanced speed to get there, since the blind wouldn't be able to control himself with that many humans around them in the airport.

Everyone had a hold of a few boxes, the guys taking the heavier ones as the woman followed their lead and Brooklyn holding onto her bag.

Opening the door, Carlisle led his family into their new home.
With the money they had saved they bought a four bedroom, one for his work and the other for Brooklyn since she was the only one who actually slept, the others would just use theirs for their clothes, essentials and..activities. 

A large kitchen stood there, right beside a large living room. The windows were all see through unless you closed the curtains.

Brooklyn looked around the space, this would be her new home for good. She had to get used to it.
Walking forward, the youngest Cullen threw her bag down onto the floor and just stared at it.

"Don't worry! I'm sure you'll love it.."

"Well that makes one of us.." Alice frowned a little, giving her mate a look. He sighed, taking his sisters bag before leading her into the biggest room. Both their eyes scanned the space, a large double bed placed in the centre, plain black bedding wrapped on it.

A small desk sat in the far corner of the room, a large closet beside it with a few hangers and drawers.
"It's very.."


"Yep!" He laughed a little, looking down to see her frowning. "It'll be good for us-"

"Will everyone stop telling me that?! Seriously your all acting like I'm having some teenage crisis!" She glared at him annoyed, everyone stood unpacking in the main room listened in. "..I'm fine! I mean, it's not like you had to wake up seeing your entire family rushing and packing, only having an hour to get ready and leave. You didn't have to sit in a four hour car journey, knowing you couldn't say goodbye to your only friend! You have it easy, you guys can just go on with life, I can't! I have to transfer schools and meet new people!"


"I wanna be alone.." he gave her one last glance before slowly heading into the front room, sighing as everyone just looked away.

Brooke sat down on her bed, taking a breath as she fell back. "Get used to it Brooke!"


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