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Twilight: Eclipse
Forks, Washington

Over the past year, everything had slowly started going back to normal again. The Cullen's were finally settled back into their old life in Forks, Bella and Edward were as great as could be.

Brooklyn had been busting herself lately as well, since she had nothing other than school and work to do, she threw herself into looking for her Birth Parents.
She would never normally obsess herself on little things like these, but losing Daniel was the hardest things she's went through.

This didn't go unnoticed by anyone either, Carlisle and Esme had begun to worry more over her schedules lately.
How she barely ate, slept, did her school work at home anymore.

Currently, the young girl was sat in her room. Countless pieces of papers and spare files surrounded her, scattered along the double bed. She had researched all the possible outcomes for her parents. Although she didn't know her original last name, she managed to locate a few possible couples.

Too focused in the work, Brooklyn didn't notice how her bedroom door opened. Esme stood there silently as she stepped up toward her daughter, a smile on her face. "Here you go!" Placing down the small plate, Brooklyn looked at the sandwich before going back to the papers.
"Sweetie I think you should get some sleep!"

"I can't! I'm this close to finding them!" Esme frowned slightly as she sighed, dropping the paper Brooklyn weakly smiled at her mother. "I didn't mean it like that..I jus..I'm stressed out! I don't care if they want me or not, I need answers to why they abandoned me!"

"Well, just my luck I guess!" Looking up, she stared at her father oddly as he with everyone else other than Edward walked inside. "Here.." leaning out his arm, Brooklyn saw how he held a small, thin file.

"Is that-"

"Your birth parents file.." staring at him, she let out a shaky breath and took it slowly. They all watched as she took her time, opening it up as her eyes scanned the sheet.

Two photographs pinned onto it, a man and a woman.

Johnathon Watts
Born: 09/07/71
Died: 13/04/05

Nancy Thorne
Born: 03/01/72
Died: 13/04/05

Brooklyn's face dropped immediately, throwing the folder down onto her knee as she stared at the wall. "Brooke.."

"Their.." unable to get any words out, she just sat there. She wasn't heartbroken at their death, more at the fact that she never was able to see them, remember them, or ask why they left her so young.
Taking a breath, "their dead.."

Everyone who stood there frowned, Esme sighed, pulling her daughter in to a side hug but felt as Brooklyn didn't move. Biting down on her lip, she sniffed and stood up quickly. They all watched as she began picking up the papers and files quickly, walking across the room as she threw them away.


"What? I'm fine! I'm ok..it's not like I met them so.." shrugging her shoulders, she threw herself onto the bed. Pulling the covers up, Carlisle sighed as he slowly ushered his family out of the room.

That night, Brooklyn couldn't sleep. Trying her hardest, she couldn't seem to get any of the sudden thoughts coming up into her mind.

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