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The night went on, Brooklyn hadn't left her room since she got home. Not even when everyone else had joined the older vampire.

Currently, the family were all sat in their living room.
"She came home about three hours ago..said she wanted to be left alone.."

"Was she upset..?" Carlisle asked, holding his wife's hand gently.

"She looked more angry..she didn't cry!" Sighing, he only nodded before running up the stairs. He waited a minute before slowly opening the door, pushing slightly as it broke.

Carlisle quickly stood it against the wall as he looked around the space, his hearts shattering as Brooklyn sat there.

Her body was crouched up into a corner, curled on the floor. She hugged her knees tightly.
Her hair was ruffled up, tear stained cheeks, her eyes red and swollen.

Everything in her room was now either broken, smashed into pieces or just in a different place than it's original.
"Leave me alone!" Her voice sounded swore. Cracking a little.

"You know, I'm what people call a 'dad'! And dads don't leave their daughters alone, to sit up in their rooms, curled up in a corner crying after she's completely destroyed every thing she owns." Rolling her eyes, Brooklyn sat there as he slowly joined his daughter.
"What happened?"

"Your gonna find out whether I want you to or not, aren't you?"

"Yep!" Sighing, she looked down at her feet. Biting her lip slightly.

"Just the usual..some kids picking on me for no reason! They found out my parents abandoned me..called me names..then I came home, trashed my room and cried for hours!" She spoke bluntly, Carlisle however held a saddened face as he looked at her in sympathy.


"I wanna be alone!" Taking in her words, the blonde man slowly rose to his feet. Giving her one last look before he reluctantly left the room.

Everyone stared at him once he joined them again, he just shook his head however as they shrugged in defeat.
"We should go..Victoria won't be here long!" Rosalie stated, the family all quickly rose to their feet as Esme ran up the stairs.

Opening the door, she held in a gasp and turned to the teen. "We're going out..to catch Victoria.." immediately, Brooklyn's head shot up. Giving her a look, she sighed as the eighteen year old rolled her eyes.

"Whatever!" Sighing, she slowly closed the door before making their way outside.

They all stood there silent, waiting patiently as Alice looking straight forward.
"You sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asked as Jasper walked up to his wife,

"She's almost here.." waiting a while, she looked around before a sudden vision appear.
"On your left!" Quickly, everyone began running toward her directions.

Emmet being the fastest, grabbed her shoulder as she threw him forward. Not stopping their pace, they all continued as he got back up again. More angrier, they watched as she jumped over a small cliff.
"Wait! She's in their territory!" Carlisle told them, continuing their run more to the side now.

"SHELL GET AWAY!" Esme warned them, just then, a small pack of Wolves ran forward. Now all chasing the fiery haired woman as she didn't stop her pace.

"No she won't!"

Emmet, once again in the lead ran faster then before. He chased her faster as she jumped back to their side.

Jasper followed the woman's lead, both of them jumping from tree to tree. He was about to catch her as she unfortunately escaped.

Emmet seemed to lose control as he didn't once stop his pace, watching as she jumped to another side once again. Rosalie quickly tried to stop him, but failed as he followed her lead. Jumping across, he was about to land as a wolf quickly pushed him into the river.

Standing up, Emmet began breathing heavily with a harsh glare. Carlisle quickly stopped the two, pulling his son out of the water as they soon made their way home.


Brooklyn eventually took a minute before she walked down her room. Slowly, the door behind her opened to reveal her family. They shared a look as she just gave them a knowing look.
"We didn't catch her.." huffing, Brooklyn rolled her eyes.

She had enough, storming into their kitchen, they watched as she began rummaging through the drawers. Jasper quickly walked up toward her as she opened a last drawer, looking down, she took the large knife quickly as they all shifted quickly.

The blonde went to take it away as she stepped back, "no! I've had enough!" Slowly, she pointed it toward her wrist as they watched carefully.
"I'm sick..of people telling me everything's gonna be fine..that I just have to get through life! But..the truth is..I can't!"


"I've went through too much..being kidnapped, forced to move..bullied, slut shamed, sexualised..I'm done with it all!"
Looking up, she felt tears slip down her cheeks. "I feel like I'm drowning..I have this voice in my head..this tiny voice! Asking me, why do you hate yourself so much?" Looking at her, their hearts broke at the sound of her voice cracking. "I'm tired of losing everything I love..Daniel..my birth parents leaving me! I shouldn't be here..I should be out..with all of you, looking for her!"

Her breath suddenly became more slower, biting her lip, she slowly raised the knife to her stomach. "Brooke stop! Just..give me the knife and we can talk!" Rosalie attempted to persuade her,

"I'm don't with talking! I'm done with everything.." staying silent, she looked at them all in sadness. "I understand..if you let me die..either way I'll be free.." with that, she quickly stabbed the knife into her stomach. Esme held onto her husbands arm, watching as Jasper quickly rushed to his sister. He took the knife, holding her limp body as she cried.
"I'm so-sorry-"

"Shh, it's ok! Your gonna be fine.."
Falling down, he sat on his knees as they all followed. Carlisle giving him a look, noticing his sons eyes.

"Alice, get Jasper out of her-"

"No! You think I'm leaving her alone? I can handle it.."

Nodding, they watched as Brooklyn breathed heavily. Choking on her sobs as he leant closer to her brother.

Her eyes began to drop a little, finally closing as she fell deeper. Jasper took no more time, pulling her head back, he dug his teeth deep into her neck. They watched carefully as she suddenly gave out her final breath, Esme walked away, not being able to watch the scene in front of her.

Jasper pulled back, his mouth now dripping with blood, his fangs on full show. Looking at her, Brooklyn's stayed still as they all watched in sadness.

Not giving up, he dug his teeth into her neck once again, this didn't work however as he was now biting into her arm.

Now with bite marks all around her upper body, Jasper sat there, holding the unconscious eighteen year old.


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