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Walking down in her beautifully, well fitted white gown, Bella smiled as the love of her life stood there staring fondly at her. She looked around at her guests happily, giving each a smile before taking Edwards hand.

Just as she turned forward, her face dropped, tightening her grip on Edwards arm, he just stood there. Are, along with his brothers stood there emotionlessly as Bella looked around.

Her mood completely changed as they were all Joe stood above a large pile of deceased bodies of their former wedding guests. Turning her head back around, she stood there dumbfounded as Brooklyn smirked back at her.

No longer wearing her beautiful, short white dress as she now stood there in a long black cloak. Bella saw them now gone, looking down to her blood covered hands as she dropped her flowers.

"What, did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice spoke, dabbing the sponge lightly on the brunettes face. Bella awkwardly laughed as she apologised.

"Sorry..bad dream..I guess, wedding jitters!"

Brooklyn looked at her, her eyes widening a little as she quickly fixed herself. Bella gave her a weary look but before she could pester her however, they all turned to see Rosalie walking up to them with a sincere smile.

"Do you need some help? I could do her hair.."

"Really?" Bella asked dumbfounded, the blonde just smirked and walked up. Lightly pushing her sister as she began styling.

"Please..it looks as though Brooke was in need for some help.." she scoffed, flipping her sister off. "Besides, I'm not offended by your choice of groom.."

"Just her blatant lack of respect for mortality!" Brooklyn spoke, earning a harsh glare from her sisters and a laugh from her friend.

Alice smiled, hugging both her sisters tightly.

"Weddings, they bring everyone together!" Rosalie smiled, quickly grabbing a brush as she began styling her soon to be sisters hair.


"I'm here mom.." the woman turned, skipping forward as a large smile broke its way to her face.

"Oh my gosh..your so beautiful! Oh honey..crap my mascara!" Alice handed her a handkerchief and smiled, "thanks!" She wiped her eyes, turning toward the door again. "Charlie get in here!"

"You sure? I don't wanna.." Bella smiled, looking at her father in shock. "I know..I look hot!" They all laughed, Brooklyn slightly rolled her eyes amused as Bella's mother spoke again.

"We thought you needed something blue.."

"And something old.." Charlie finished as he showed her the beautiful hair peice. "Besides your mother!" Brooklyn let out a loud laugh, earning one in return form the man.

The woman however scoffed annoyed, "nice!" Bella smiled, taking the jewel happily.

"It was grandma swans.."

"But we added the sapphires!"

"..it's beautiful you guys! Wow..thank you so much.." Alice smiled and took the hair piece slowly, watching as she sat back down.

"It's your first family heirloom! Pass onto your daughter..and her daughter.." the woman began tearing up as Alice placed it carefully in Bella's neatly styled bun.

"Mom..I love it!" They went to hug as Alice quickly stopped them.

"Ah, no smudging my masterpiece!"

"She's right!" With that, Alice nudged her younger sister with a smirk. Groaning, Brooklyn slowly walked to the back of the room and picked up a long covered dress.

"Time for the dress!" She spoke happily, handing it to her friend with a smile.

Brooklyn left Bella with her mother to get changed quickly, she was already changed so she could just go back outside.

With a smile, she stared around the beautifully set venue as Esme walked up toward her.

"Hi..when's this thing starting then, I haven't hunted-"

"Brooke, were are your manners?" She scrunched her face, turning to were her mother pointed and smiled.

"Hi! So, when's this wedding-" she cut herself off, turning back to where her cousins stood smirking. "Holy shit!" Kate laughed, pulling the eighteen year old into a bone crushing hug, soon allowing her sisters to join.


"I'm eighteen!" She defended, earning a fake glare from her cousin.

"Listen to your mother!" They all laughed loudly, Brooklyn's smiled faded however as she listened in on some of Bella's friends conversation.

"So Uh..you think Bella's gonna be showing?"

"Jess, she is not pregnant!"

"Ok..who else gets married at eighteen?" Rolling her eyes, she quickly walked up to the group. They all watched amused as she grabbed a champagne glass, Kate let out a short laugh.

"Oh here we go.." Esme muttered, they all turned to see Brooklyn now standing beside the group.

Slowly, she 'tripped' on her heel. Jessica jumped up as the liquid spilt over her chest, glaring at the girl annoyed. "Oh shit sorry..I didn't mean that!"

"You little-"

"What's that? Oh right..I couldn't hear you with all that pettiness surrounding you!" Sending her a fake smile, Brooklyn turned her back to the group as Jessica slowly sat back down annoyed.

Her mother and cousins smirked, Kate giving her a quick high five before the music started playing.

The five woman quickly took their seats, turning around as Bella and Charlie slowly walked down the aisle. He placed a quick kiss in her cheek before handing her over to the tall man.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, were gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Please repeat after me..I Edward Cullen!"

"I, Edward Cullen.."

"Take you Bella Swan.."

"-Take you, Bella Swan.."

"To have and to hold.."

He smiled, holding her hands tighter. "To have and to hold."

Bella smiled, "for better or for worse.."

"For richer or for poorer.

"I'm sickness and in health!"

"To love.."

"To cherish..as long as we both shall live!" Edward smiled at her in wonder, nodding his head.

"I do.."

"I do!" She repeated. They both stared at one another, not listening to the priest any longer as Bella stepped up on her toes. She quickly connected their lips, both not hearing the loud chests of their friends and family.

Brooklyn looked around at her family, her parents and siblings each beside each other. She felt her face drop into a frown at the thought of being their alone. She let out a shaky breath, not realising how Tanya stared at her in sadness.


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