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Taking her hand, Daniel smiled as they all slowly made their way back to the changing rooms.
Brooklyn yet again waited outside for her boyfriend, standing there on her phone as she dialled her fathers number in.

Waiting patiently, she jumped a little as his voice shot through the phone. "Hey..there's this party tonight..we're celebrating our teams win.."

"You can go! Just be home before twelve!"


"Twelve or home, you choose!?" Grunting, she smirked annoyed.

"I'll see you at twelve!"

"I said before-" before he could finish, Brooklyn had already hung up as the door behind her opened. One by one, the footballs team exited the changing room and walked past her.

She stood there silently as a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist, squealing as the figure lifted her up. "Hey gorgeous!"

"You dick!"

"Love you too!" Smirking, Daniel pecked her lips before they joined everyone outside the school.

"I gotta change first!"

She gave him an annoyed look, pointing down at her basic short, pink, wavy dress and she laughed. "Beautiful as always! Now come on.." sighing, Brooklyn knew this was a battle she would never win. Giving up, she walked through the parking lot. Holding onto his hand, the two reached Daniels car before quickly driving off.

After a short journey, the tall guy pulled up near a large house. Brooklyn looked to see half the school already there, kids filling the yard and house as drinks were past around like mere notes. Daniel smiled, taking her hand as they slowly walked up to the party.

They were both immediately greeted by a very drunk looking Jasmin, smiling as she handed them both a red cup. Brooklyn gave her a smile before watching the tanned girl walk off with her girlfriend. They both walked inside to the main sitting area, a few people were already sat down in deep conversations.

Brooklyn diverted her eyes, wide wing them a little as Jake and Jackson both sat there. Daniel noticed this, glaring, he took her hand and pulled her away quickly. "I'm sorry..I don't mean to be such a buzzkill.."

"It's ok..as long as your happy..I'm cool with anything!" Smiling, she cupped his cheeks. Their lips moved perfectly in sink together. Daniel moved his hands down to her ass, earning a small moan in returns as he smirked.


After a wonderful night spent celebrating with their entire team and school, Brooklyn woke up with the worst possible headache she could think of.
Looking to her left, she saw her boyfriend layed there beside her, his eyes still closed. Looking at him carefully, Brooklyn smiled down at him in wonder. Everything he seemed to do always infatuated her more and more each day.

Whenever he would hold her hand, or when they made continuous eye contact. He was perfect in her mind and nothing could change that. For the first time in a long time she was happy, not just to be with her family but with a friend, her best friend, now her boyfriend. She loved him, she loved everything about him.

Suddenly, the boy beside her began to stir as she panicked a little. Looking up, he met her eyes with a bright smile as her cheeks burnt red. "Morning sunshine!"

"Hey.." Daniel scoffed, he let out a small laugh as he sat up straighter.

"We just made the best love in our entire relationship..and all you say is hey?" Brooklyn slapped his shoulder, glaring as he laughed.

"Shut up! We're at my house.." looking around, her face dropped as she stared at her bedroom. "Shit! We're at my house!"

"Yes you just said th-"

"Brooke!" Both of them shot their heads toward the door, where Alice's voice appeared behind it. Quickly, the two began rushing as they tried to clean everything up before anyone could walk in.

"Uh..ONE SECOND!" Daniel looked at her as though she had three heads,

"Why did you answer her? She'll be onto us.." he whispered as she shrugged her shoulders, "as much as I love you..it's not worth getting beat up by your brothers! I've seen them..they could kill!" Brooklyn's eyes widened as she stared at him shocked, they began pacing around the room. Pulling each item of clothing on as fat as they could.

"Brooke..you ok in there?" She groaned silently as Daniel tripped over his feet, "did you hurt yourself? Are you bleeding, I'll take Jasper ou-"

"I'M OK ALICE, JASPER CAN STAY..IM JUST..NAKED!" Sending her another odd look, Daniel buckled his pants. Brooklyn opened her window as he turned to face him quickly, watching as he climbed up.


"What?" He held up his finger in pain,

"Cut myself.." Brooklyn's eyes widened, glancing at the door to see Alice now standing there in shock. They both stayed silent as the short haired girl looked at his finger quickly. "I can expl-"

"Get him out of here! NOW!" Jumping, she took his hand and ran out of the room. Everyone looked at them confused, but Brooklyn just ignored them and continued in hopes they didn't smell the blood.


"The boy cut his finger..I told her to get him out of here before Jasper could smell it.."
They listened closely as Brooklyn closed the door, letting out a breath of relief.

"I know!" Carlisle scoffed, watching how she walked past them all to the stairs.

"I don't think you understand! You risked his life, now we're ok with him being here..as long as we're aware!"

"It's not my fault ok! I got a little too drunk last night after the game and it happened.." turning around, she stormed back up the stairs as they all watched.

Sighing, Carlisle held a calming hand on his wife's shoulder as she tended a little. "Well..here's the attitude!"

"I MAY NOT BE SUPERNATURAL, BUT I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!" Laughing, Emmet covered his mouth as they all glared slightly.


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