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About an hour had past and nothing much had happened, Brooklyn head however shot up as the door opened slowly. She looked up to see Bella standing there, standing up herself, the sixteen year old went to run forward but was pulled back as James pulled himself into view.

"Where's my mom?"

"Oh Bella..care to tell her?" Brooklyn felt as he tightened his grip on her neck,

"It's a trick!..Bella run, g-go!"

He laughed and pushed the girl forward, "she's not even here!"

"Sorry..but you made it too easy, so..to make things more entertaining, we're gonna make a little film!" He pulled out a basic grey Camera and began reordering the two girls amused,

"Oh..this will break Edward's little heart!" Bella stormed up to him,

"You..EDWARD HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!" He forcefully pushed her back into the pillar as Brooklyn just stood there,

"Oh..his rage with make this a more interesting sport and his fates attempt to protect you!"

Brooklyn closed her eyes as he grabbed her arm, again, his breath touching her skin. "And let's continue with our guest star.."

Bella ran up and sprayed some pepper spray at him, grabbing the younger teens hand as they both were now running to the exit.

They were stopped however as he stood in front of them, throwing Bella into a pillar as Brooklyn just stood there. She watched how he walked up to the brunette. "I chose my stage well.." james roughly grabbed Bella's hand, staring deeply at the blood spilling from it.
"It's too bad he didn't have the strength to turn you!" She pulled it back as he stared at her for a moment, tormenting her, at how Edward kept her human.

Brooklyn slapped a hand over her mouth as Bella let out a blood curdling scream, watching how he broke her leg easily.
"TELL HIM! TELL HIM!" Brooklyn suddenly got the urge of confidence as she grabbed the pepper spray from the ground, spraying him with it again until it eventually ran out.

James scoffed, "you think that would work again?" Stepping forward, he grabbed her shoulder, digging his nails deep into her skin as she cried out.

Suddenly the two were pushed away from each other, Brooklyn slid back, her head hitting one of the pillars behind her. She held her head in pain, the room suddenly began spinning as she slowly stood up. This however didn't go to plan as she was now unconscious on the ground.


Two weeks had now past, currently all the Cullen's were sat around their living room.

"We shouldn't have left her.." Esme muttered, Brooklyn had been unconscious now since that night with James. Carlisle held her hand, she felt as though she wanted to cry but couldn't.


"I should have stayed with her! She could be dead because of me.."

"She's not, I took some blood tests and she's just unconscious.."

Esme went to open her mouth as the sound of shuffling came from upstairs. Jasper was the first to run up to his sisters room, opening the door his eyes widened as Brooklyn sat there awake.

Soon everyone joined him, Alice walked up to her and held her hand gently. "I'm sorry.." her voice cracked a little, she already knew it was gone, most likely from all the shouting. She looked down, ashamed at how she couldn't save Bella or didn't know if anything happened to her.

"Don't be..we're just glad your safe!" Carlisle spoke, she didn't take her eyes off her bed sheets once.

"Is Bella ok?"

"Yes..she at home now..you were as well but they allowed Carlisle to bring you home.." she nodded, taking her hand from Alice's.

"How long was I asleep for?"

"Two weeks.." she finally met his gaze, taking a deep breath.

"He's dead!" They all looked over to see Edward stood there, Brooklyn looked back down. She knew Bella was hurt because of her, how she could've helped more.

Edward sighed and walked over to her, pulling her closer to his chest. "Don't blame yourself..Bella's fine!" She nodded and hugged him tighter,

"You'll be able to visit her, after I take you back for some check ups since I dot have the right equipment here.." Carlisle told her, she nodded again as Esme sent everyone out the room, letting Brooklyn rest for a bit.


After a rough and boring trip to the hospital, Brooklyn had been checked up by the nurses and was now making her way into Bella's house. Charlie smiled and let her inside, "she's in her room.."

"Thanks Mr Swan!"

"Charlie's fine, and I heard you hurt yourself..your dad told me, didn't go into full detail tho?"

"Oh, Uh yeah..I was visiting family outside of town and had an accident, I'm ok though!" He nodded and watched her walk up the stairs,

She opened the door, her heart dropping as the seventeen year old sat there with a white cast on her leg. The brunette looked over to her, Brooklyn pushed her red, fiery hair from her face as she walked over. "Hi.."

"Bella..I'm so sorry, I should've helped..then you wouldn't be in a cast!"

"No..no it's fine, I'm just glad your ok..Edward told me you were asleep for two weeks.."

"Yeah..I only just woke up those morning..I wanted to see if you were ok..I don't have many people to worry for other than my family and..well I don't worry much about them..you know since they're over a hundred years old.." she chuckled and patted the bed, Brooklyn hesitantly sat beside her friend and smiled.

After a small conversation, Brooklyn had spent the day with Bella, making sure she was ok or just to keep her company.

After about two hours, it started to get dark so Charlie offered her a ride home. He pulled up to her house as she gave him a quick thank you and ran inside.

He drove off after she was safely home, Brooklyn crept up the stairs as she sneaked past the living room. Just as she reached the second step, Esme's voice spared behind the wall.

"Not so fast!"


"You could've told us you were gonna stay out..I was worried, you've only just woke up and-" she cut herself off as Brooklyn held her shoulder,

"I'm fine..I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was with Bella..hanging out!"

"Hanging out' isn't that what..friends do?" Brooklyn blushed at her words, Esme kept a simple smile but on the inside she was beaming. Brooklyn had never hung out with anyone other than her siblings before.
"Ok, go get ready for bed! You have school tomorrow!"

She sighed and dragged herself up the stairs slowly, throwing on some pyjamas before she jumped into her bed. Immediately falling asleep as her head hit the pillow.


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