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The day went on as normal, Alice and Brooklyn had eventually finished setting up the party room for Bella's birthday.

The seventeen year old was currently standing there with everyone as they waited for Alice, Edward and Bella. She patted down her white silky dress as Esme tried to fix her hair.

She styled it up into a half braid type thing, curling the lose parts, a pair of basic white stilettos.

Just then the door opened, the three walked out. Bella's smile widened as she saw everyone stood there, walking down the steps she hugged everyone before Alice began passing her presents.

Rosalie extended her arm, "it's a necklace, Alice picked it out.."

"Thanks!" Alice quickly took a photo of the couple before handing Bella another present,

"This ones from Emmet!"

She shook the gift, confused as it made no sound. "Already installed it in your truck! Finally a decent sound system in that piece of cra-"

"Hey, hey d-don't hate the truck!"
They all laughed, she finally got to Esme and Carlisles gift.

"Something to brighten up your day!"

"We've noticed you've been looking a little pale lately!" Smiling, Bella went to unwrap it but failed. Ripping it a little, Brooklyn's eyes widened as she noticed some blood on her finger. Looking over to her brother, Edward quickly pushed us girlfriend back as the blonde went for her.

Bella's back hit the wall, luckily nothing too bad happened other than some glass smashing. A sharp pain hit Brooklyn's arm however, before she could check it, Brooklyn felt as someone pulled her back once Jasper diverted his eyes to her, before anything could happen, Emmet, Carlisle and Alice quickly calmed him down. "It's ok, it's just a little-" they all looked over to were Brooklyn was standing, looking down at her arm to see it was bleeding. "..blood!"

Carlisle ran up, holding his daughters arm as the others took Jasper out quickly. "I-it's not that bad.."

"There's pieces of glass stuck in there..I'll have to stitch it up in my office..Edward, check on Jasper. He'll be very upset with himself and I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now.." With that, Carlisle helped his daughter into his home office.

Sitting her down onto the desk, Carlisle grabbed some stuff as the seventeen year old girl just sat there. "Ok, this may hurt a little so if you wanna scream, bite this!" She laughed and took the rag from his hand, watching as he dug in a pair of tweezers into her arm. Brooklyn immediately but onto the cloth, trying her hardest not to show any type of pain.
"There.." he held the small piece of glass from her arm, "one more.." sighing, Brooklyn but down onto the cloth once more as she pulled out the last piece.

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Look at my blood and not want to drain the life out of me?" Carlisle laughed a little, stitching up her arm.

"Tears of practice!"

"How long have you lived?"


"Woah! So.."

"I told you once and I'll tell you again, I'm not changing you! I won't have you been dammed like me.." Brooklyn looked at him confused,

"Dammed? Like hell.." he looked at her, thinking for a second before changing his gaze to her arm. "Daddy..you couldn't be dammed! You mr too good for this world.."

"Thanks sweetie..you and Bella have always been gracious about us.." she smiled,

"Well, you are my fath-" stopping herself, she looked up at him for a moment. "Wait..i-is that why you won't change me? Why Edward won't change Bella?"

"Imagine the situation in reverse!" He kissed her temple before placing all of the blood drenched bandages to the side. She was about to speak as someone walked in, they looked up to see Bella standing there.

"Is she right? Is that why he won't change me?" Carlisle sighed, giving his daughter a look. She nodded, jumping off the desk before walking out.

"You heard all of that didn't you?"

"Yes!" Scowling at himself, Carlisle looked back at Bella for a moment. Lighting the bowl of blood and water before he spoke up.

"Like I told Brooke, imagine it reversed. You believe as Edward does, but you take away his soul!" With that the blonde man sent her a warm smile before walking out of the room, leaving the brunette to just stand there in shock.


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