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A few weeks went by, currently everyone was stood around the living room, with the exception of Edward as he was with his girlfriend Bella.

Alice and Jasper were taping balloons to the wall, Emmet and Carlisle were stacking different coloured boxes as Esme was preparing some food with Rosalie, who an angry scowl on her face. Get was still happy none the less.

"No!" Alice pointed at Emmet, who looked scared as she strutted up to them both. "I said neatly and clockwise, not..messed up and straight!"

"She won't care either way!"

As they continued to argue, Brooklyn woke up to the sound of her siblings voices downstairs. She climbed tiredly out of bed, opening her plain white door she walked down the stairs as the voices became louder.

"ENOUGH! She is asleep up there and if you want this to go well then I suggest you show up! And Emmet, listen to Alice please..I love you but..just listen!" Brooklyn jumped off the final step and showed herself, everyone's head shot around as she just stood there.

Her hair was up in a messy bun, bare faced, one of jaspers oversized hoodies she stole last year and 'forgot' to give back was wrapped around her upper body as her legs were bare, of course with underwear underneath. "Why is everyone shouting it's..5:30 in the morning! On a Saturday!" They each gave her a look, before anyone could spoil anything, Alice grabbed the girls shoulder and took her upstairs in a split second. "Woah!"

"Sorry, but you have to go in there! Cant say why, so just listen to me! And get changed..something nice! Not my mates hoodie!"

"Ok..but you should try it, it's really comfortable!" She laughed and lightly pushed her sister back into the room, Brooklyn sighed already knowing she couldn't win this argument.

Walking over to her ensuite bathroom, she quickly brushed her teeth before untangling her hair and jumping into the shower. Washing her body and hair, she stood there letting the water slide down her bare body as it relaxed her.

She hopped out, wrapping a black Cotten towel around her body before walking back into the room. Just as she was about to get changed, a gasp escaped her lips. She smiled and jumped up and down like a small child on Christmas morning.

She smiled, finally dropping her towel from her body as she quickly threw on a short, white, Cotten dress. Followed by some basic white trainers.

After she was changed, Brooklyn sat at her vanity and began drying her hair. Curling the ends, she sprayed some hairspray and applied some light makeup. She never normally wore much but only on special occasions- which today was indeed. She blended in some light brown eyeshadow and some gold glitter before doing her lashes.

Once she was ready, she grabbed her phone and threw her dirty washing into the basket before checking the time.


Excitement grew inside her as she couldn't wait any longer, opening the door she quietly stepped down the twisted stairs.

Alice looked up, sending her younger sister a glare as Brooklyn just stood there, embarrassed.


"It's ok.." she turned around and saw the everyone was finished, smiling, the shirt haired girl ran up and grabbed onto the teenagers hand. "Ready?!"

"As I'll ever be.." Brooklyn turned the corner and gasped, a massive smile made its way to her face as her family all stood there.

"Wheres Edward?"

"He Uh..had to do something..he'll be back tonight!" Esme told her, she nodded and looked around the room.

Much to the boys annoyance, Alice had forced them to wear childish party hats, earning a loud laugh from their little sister as she took a quick photo of them.

"You get this once!" Emmet glared at her as Jasper just laughed, Carlisle smiled as he walked up with his wife. She hugged them both tightly and sat down, opening the medium sized present they handed her.

After a while, paper now thrown into a trash bag, presents stacked up on top of each other neatly. Brooklyn had finished her breakfast as they all spoke, she was smiling ear to ear as Jasper and Emmet were in the middle of
their usual wrestling completion.

"HA!" Emmet started doing his 'victory' dance as they all laughed, Rosalie kissed him softly as the door opened. Brooklyn's face lit up as Edward walked in, he looked more happier than usual.

"Why you so happy?" Alice teased, his face dropped a little but he couldn't help the smile creeping it's way to his face.

"Was with Bella..what's going on?"

"We had a mini party!"

"Oh right..for what?" Brooklyn face dropped, Edward looked confused as she stood up and barged past him. Running up the stairs as a small tear slipped down her cheek.

Alice scoffed as his eyes scanned the room, landing on the balloons and presents, he immediately scolded himself and ran up the stairs. Running into his room before reluctantly opening Brooklyn's door, his heart broke as she sat on her bed, sobbing in her hands.

Slowly, he walked up and sat beside her. Eventually, the sixteen year old looked up, her blue eyes meeting his gold ones. "Brooke-"

"Save it!"

"I'm sorry.."

"Sorry doesn't count at the fact that you forgot my FUCKING birthday!" He stayed silent as she sobbed again, Edward wrapped an arm around her shoulders as she rested her head onto his shoulder. Her cries muffled into his jacket as they sat in a comfortable silence.

"I didn't completely forget.."

"What?" She asked, now wiping her tears away. He smiled and handed her a small box, a red bow wrapped around it.

"Happy birthday!"

Smiling widely, Brooklyn opened the gift and gasped. Edward just laughed as she pulled out a beautiful, rose gold necklace, rose patterns all around the small heart. Without another word, she leapt up and hugged her brother tightly. "Thank you, thank you,
Thank you! Eddie it's beautiful!"

"Well, your sixteen once so.." she laughed and hugged him again, smiling as he clipped it together, watching how it draped on her neck perfectly.


Authors note-
Yes, this is an original chapter. I was planning on putting it in the same day where Bella meets everyone but couldn't be arsed so here you goooo!!!!! X

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