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Brooklyn eventually ran beneath the forest, smelling the air as she scrunched her face in disgust. Running back, she sent her brother a glare.
"Make me do that again, I'll kill you! All I could smell was Wolf!"

"This will work.." Jasper told him, earning a emotionless 'great' from their brother.

Sighing, Brooklyn sent them a smile before she quickly ran through the forest. She sped her pace once she got a sniff of any animals near by.

A few hours had now past, the Cullen's were now on their nightly hunt as Bella and Edward had the house to themselves.
Since Brooklyn already hunted, she decided to miss out and take a trip somewhere.

Since her 'retreat' to Florida, she found it calming. So now, whenever she was stressed out she would take her car somewhere or just run across the large lake and leave for a few hours.

Currently, she was sat near a large beach, listening to how the waves clashed with each other. The wind blowing against her pale skin, pushing her hair back from her face gently.

Her mind rushing with a million thoughts, one in particular. She thought everyday, every second it didn't leave her mind. Haunting her whenever it could.

Looking out at the sunset as she sat comfortably on the largest Cliff, just near the edge of town.

Since that night, all she could think of was Daniel. How he kept a living and genuine smile as she drenched the blood out of his veins.

The scene of him dying right in front of her eyes played over and over, every day and night.
Although, now she never slept, it was like a repeating nightmare. Keeping itself on a loop continuously as she suffered the pain. The pain of losing her love over and over again.

After a long silence, the young vampire eventually made her way back home. Everyone smiled warmly at her, only earning a weak one in return.

Watching her, Bella stood from her seat beside her boyfriend and followed the young girl upstairs.

Opening the door, she smiled warmly as Brooklyn just looked down. "Hey!" Ignoring her, the fiery haired vampire stood from her bed, quickly running outside to her balcony. Bella sighed herself, letting her feet wonder over toward the open door.
"Alice told me about your time in New York.."

Scoffing, Brooklyn rolled her eyes. "Of course.." she stood there, gazing up at the moon as Bella slowly joined her.

"Told me about that mysterious boyfriend of yours.." Brooklyn sensed the humour coming from her best friends sentence, but didn't laugh along. Slowly, Bella turned the young girl to face her as she sighed. "I'm sorry.."

"Don't be..he's dead, there's nothing I can do!"

"You could have..turned him.."

"And cause him a life of misery? A life, that he didn't even want?"
Staying silent, the dark haired girl just sent her an apologetic glance.


"No!..well, I don't think he was at least.." Brooklyn cut her off, glancing back up at the sky.

"How did you know the answer, I didn't even speak?"

"I've been practicing my abilities..Jasper showed me how to control it and turn it into my own..although I was just reading your mind!" Laughing, Bella gave her best friend a side hug as she half smile in return.

"Can I see?"


"How you change someone's gifts into your own..?" Sighing, she nodded as the two slowly walked back downstairs.

She looked between her family, smirking a little. "Jasper, change Edwards mood! He looks miserable.."
The tall man scoffed, earning a few laughs. Slowly, the blonde looked at his brother as he smirked.

Brooklyn watched as Edward was about to smile, quickly looking toward her brother as Jaspers face dropped. "Wha-" scrunching his face, he tried once again as Brooklyn stopped him. Growing frustrated, the blonde walked up toward his brother, leaning forward as he tried yet again. This stopped however as he now looked at his sister annoyed her surprised. "Did you-"

"Stop you from changing his feeling? Yes I did.."


"Practice!" She smiled, everyone just sent her a shocked look as she gave them a look.

"Sorry sweetie..it's just, I think I know what your ability is.." Carlisle spoke,


"Mind control.."

"Mind control?" Bella asked confused, yet shocked.

"Wait..I thought I could just take someone's ability and enhance it?"

"Yes, but you just stopped Jasper from using his..you controlled his mind!"


"Cool!" Emmet spoke, she smiled and ran up to her brother. They both high fived each other as everyone laughed.


The next few days were simple, Edward and Bella had left with Jacob to keep her safe as the rest of the Cullens stood on the large field waiting.

"Remember the plan! When they get here, let Brooke go first since she can take down half of them on her own with the speed and strength!"

"Once I give the signal, you can do whatever the hell you guys want!" She finished, looking forward with a glare.

Jasper soon turned to his younger sister as he could hear the New Borns running, cracking her neck, Brooklyn got ready.
"Now!" Running forward, she used her sped to run past each of them.

One by one a vampire would run at her as she just threw them back, kicking, punching, heads thrown off. Brooklyn jumped onto a tall mans back, quickly tearing his head off as she looked at the blonde.

Immediately, Jasper lead their family into the battle. With the held of his sister they now only had half of them to fight, eventually the Wolves joined in, giving them an advantage.

Just as she ripped another head off, Brooklyn looked to her left to see a familiar red headed vampire standing there. Watching how she ran away, Brooklyn quickly followed the woman.


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