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Just as she was about to grab her arm, Irina jumped off the cliff and into the water. Groaning, Brooklyn turned back on her heel and ran toward the two. "Did you find her?" Sighing, Brooklyn picked her niece up and began walking back through the forest as Jacob followed.

"No.." Remesnee sensed her aunts change in mood as her hand reached up to her face, Brooklyn just glared at her young child showed her one of her favourite memories of her.

Wind was blowing, birds singing harmoniously together as the sound of the trees brushing with each other filled Brooklyn's ears.

Although she never admitted it, everyone knew her love for nature and outdoors. Since Jasper turned her, she had become almost one with it all. She never liked to be stuck in one place, would always find a silent yet honestly place whenever she took one of her many needed retreats.

As the young vampire sat beside a large tree, ready to read her book she felt a small figure join her. Renesmee smiled up at her aunt who just rolled her eyes in return, "go away kid! I need a break from all of your crying.." the three year old ignored her aunts moodiness, sitting down with a large smile.

Brooklyn just glared however as she smiled, "read!" Sighing, she turned to her new book 'Percy Jackson' slowly, as Brooklyn read she couldn't help but feel a warmth erupt in her chest. Renesmee would snuggle up into her side carefully, although she knew it wouldn't hurt her she wanted to be careful.

Brooklyn felt a smile make its way to her lips, she couldn't stop the feeling growing in her chest. She hadn't felt this in a long time, love.

Brooklyn soon let the small six year old down, watching as she ran up to her father who was sat in the piano, Bella carefully on his lap. "Hey! Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, we caught snow flakes and Jacob let me ride his back!" Both Bella and Edward glared at their sister who just held her arms up in defence. Carlisle and Esme both laughed, joining the group as Renesmee continued. "We had to come home early though because Brookie saw our cousin.."


"Uh yeah..Irina was there!"Carlisle sighed and grabbed the phone.

They stayed silent as he spoke with Kate explaining everything, "Tanya convinced Irina to come reconcile with us!" Edward stared at him with a heavy sigh.

"Looks like she changed her mind!" Brooklyn spoke, reading her brothers thoughts.

"Seeing a Jacob must have been too much for her.." Esme muttered, glancing at her husband in worry.

"I wish she wouldn't have jumped in the water, then we would have spoke!" Carlisle gave his daughter a grateful look as she sighed, leaning against the large piano.

"She's family, she'll come around!" The man leaned back, wrapping an arm around his mate lovingly. They all watched in awe as Edward and Renesmee began playing some music on the large, modern piano. She smiled, knowing how he used to do the same for when she was her nieces age.


Soon everyone in the household joined in watching the father daughter duo, Jacob arrived not long ago as he stood smiling at his imprint.

Brooklyn looked over at her sister to see her frozen, she immediately rushed up and caught the vase. Jasper being the closest rushed up and held his mate close as he questioned. "What is it, Alice?"

"The Volturi..their coming for us! Aro..Caius..Marcus..the Guard, and Irina." Bella brought Renesmee close to her as Alice went on explaining.

"What did Irina see in the woods?"

"We were just walking.." Brooklyn spoke, trying her best to think what could've happened.

Jacob looked at her, soon realising. "Ness was catching snowflakes.." they all stared at him shocked, Edward looked down.

"Of course.." Bella stared at him for answers as they all stayed quiet. "Irina thinks renesmees

an immortal child.."

"What?" She asked after staying quiet for a few minutes, "I don't get it?..I know she isn't immortal but how is that bad?" Carlisle took a minute before leading his family and Jacob into their library.

He held a book and began explaining to Bella, "the Immortal children were very beautiful, so enchanting. To be near them was to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they were turned. They couldn't be taught, or restrained." Bella looked down at the book in shock as her father in law continued. "A single tantrum could destroy an entire village. Humans heard about the devastation..stories spread. The Volturi were forced to intervene.  Since the children couldn't protect our secret, they had to be destroyed. The creators grew very attached, fought to protect them. Long established covens were torn apart. Countless humans slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even families lost."

Bella looked at him confused yet shocked, "so the Denali's mother made an immortal child?"

"Yes!" Carlisle spoke, letting his daughter continue.

"And she paid the price.." Brooklyn gave her friend a look and sighed.

"Well Renesmee's nothing like those children, she was born not bitten, she grows every single day!" Bella told them, he anger rising. Brooklyn placed a gentle hand on her friends shoulder.

"So, can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jacob asked,

"Aro has enough proof in Irina's thoughts." Brooklyn muttered, glancing down at her hands.

"So we fight!"

"Their offensive weapons are too powerful! No one could stand a chance against Jane!"

"Alec's even worse!" Alice finished for her husband as the man spared a glance to his sister.

"What about Brooke? She has that kind control thing, can't she just take over their gifts?" Jacob asked, earning an eye roll from the girl.

"I could, but I haven't lived as long as they have. I haven't fully mastered my gifts anyways..I basically just copy!" Bella looked at her annoyed,

"Well then we convince them!"

"They come to kill us, not to talk!" Emmet muttered behind his adoptive father.

"No your right, we can't convince them but maybe we can get others. Dad you have friends all around the world."

"I won't ask them to fight!"

"Not fight, witness!" Edward stared at his sister, catching on himself.

"She's right. If enough people knew the truth, maybe we could convince the Volturi to listen.."

Esme looked up at her husband in hope, "we can ask this of our friends.." everyone looked at him as he slowly nodded, Alice and Jasper sharing a quick look to each other.


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