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A few hours later, Brooklyn had dropped the young girl back at their house and went on her usual nightly hunt. After a successful run, she made her way back.

Just as she reached the steps, Bella and Edward were both walking down as Carlisle and Esme walked toward from their car. "How many came?"


Carlisle nodded, Brooklyn listened to them converse as her eyes wondered to the person behind them all.

Once her eyes landed on him, she felt as though everything around them stopped. A tall, blonde haired man stood there. He looked around in sadness before locking eyes with her. The older vampire felt as though chills ran down his spine, somehow they both recognised each other from somewhere, but only Brooklyn couldn't seem to figure it out. The man slowly took his gaze from her, letting her stand there all flustered and confused. "Well, we'll all be on Aro's list now!..centuries on the run. That's what you've brought me, some friend Carlisle!" He asked his old friend, Carlisle chuckled and turned to him.

"Alistair come meet everyone!" He too a quick glance at his daughter, watching as she didn't once take her eyes from him. She was completely mesmerised by his entire existence, she felt the need to know him, to want him.

"I already told you, if it comes to a fight, I won't stand against the Volturi!"

"It won't come to a fight!" They all looked over as Brooklyn spoke, she smirked, raising her eyes brows knowingly as he stared at her.

"..I'll be in the attic!" With that, he tore their gazes from each other and jumped up onto the roof. He sent them one last glance, his eyes more focusing on the young fiery haired vampire before walking off. Esme turned to Brooklyn amused.

"He's not a people's person.." she scoffed, rolling her eyes. They all watched as she went toward the house again, trying to remember how she recognised the man. Suddenly, as they were about to walk back inside, Brooklyn's feet stopped. She glared down at her feet, her fists clenched.

"Brooke-" before her father could calm her down, the young vampire was now jumping up to the roof herself. He sighed, taking his family inside.

Brooklyn stormed forward, glaring at the long blonde haired man as he stood there in regret. "You.."

"Liste-" he was cut off as her fist collided with his face, Brooklyn glared, letting out an evil sigh.

"It was you?.." the man stayed silent, causing the young vampire to grow mores furious. "ANSWER ME!"


Everyone downstairs looked to each other, listening to the twos conversation.

"Why?..he did nothing wrong!" She muttered, feeling nothing that wanted to fall down her cheeks. If she could she would cry her heart out right now.

"I was hungry!"

"HE WAS AN INNOCENT! Because of you, I have nobody! Because of what..you fucking did, I lost the one person who loved me back!" Alistair stayed silent, he just looked down at the floor. "Now answer my question!"

He looked up, their eyes locking for a second time today. Even with her anger, Brooklyn still felt her stomach erupt with fireworks and butterflies. She couldn't stop this feeling whenever she saw him. "You want to know the truth?"

Everyone downstairs stayed silent, Carlisle gave his wife a look.

"Yes!" She spoke, her eyes not leaving his once. He didn't mind, he could stare into those massive, golden eyes all day if he could.

"Because, when I saw him kissing you, anger arose inside me. I felt as though my already broken heart had shattered all over again." Brooklyn stared at him in shock, she couldn't believe what he was saying and didn't want too. "I tried taking it off my mind by passing through, but once I saw your eyes..everything stopped. I felt as though I didn't care for anything or anyone around me anymore..that you were the only person I need in my life.."


"You know what I mean, don't you, Brooklyn?" She stared at him in disbelief, her fists soon unclenching, her breath became more quicker. "He wasn't your one true love!..he's wasn't your mate.." she looked at him, waiting for an answer. Everyone downstairs looked at each other in shock. Esme smiled a little, but still felt her heart break at the thought of Brooklyn in pain all over again. "I am!" He told her.

Brooklyn looked in shock, she didn't once take her eyes from his. Not only because she didn't want to but she couldn't. She couldn't fight the feelings she held for him, this annoyed her, with only knowing him five minutes. The two stepped forward, Alistair slowly caressed her cheek. His free hand wrapped around her waist. The two slowly leaned forward, their lips grazing.

They both felt hungry, only this time not for blood. Before their lips could move together, Brooklyn ran back, she stood near the large window as he stared at her. "I'm sorry..I can't do this!" She whispered, turning on her foot. The man ran and took her hand in his, sending vibrations through each of them.

"You can't run from this! It may not be our choice but it doesn't mean, we can't be together!"

"No..but you took the most important thing from me..and I can't forgive you for that!" Slowly, Brooklyn ripped her hand out of his grip before jumping from the roof. Alistair stood there, watching as she walked toward the forest.

Carlisle zoomed outside, stopping his daughter from going any further. He looked at him, a small sob escaping her lips. Without hesitation, Carlisle pulled his youngest into a bone crushing hug as he cried into his chest. Although there were no tears falling, his heart still broke at the sounds of her heart aching.

She held her father tightly, her head tilted to see Alistair looking down at her from the roof. Without another second, she escaped her fathers grip and ran back inside.


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