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About two years had past since Carlisle's meeting with Billy, both the vampires took his words into mind and decided for Brooklyn's safety, they would live with their cousins for a while.

It of course wasn't the most pleasant greeting, luckily for them everyone was surviving off animal blood and could handle being around the small child, only Jasper had to sometimes keep his distance.

That day was a long one for the Cullens,

Carlisle picked up his daughter as she rested her head sleepily on his shoulder, letting the man carry her inside and away from the cold.

The family had come to live with their cousins in Alaska for a while until it was safe, Esme anxiously knocked on the door and waited.

Carlisle held Brooklyn closer as the door slowly opened in front of them all, Kate, their cousin smiled warmly and greeted them all.

Soon she reached Carlisle and gasped, causing Brooklyn to flinch slightly and bury her head into his neck. "Is tha-"

"No..she's human.."

"Human?! W-why do you have a human child? Look I get we don't take their bloody but this..does the Volturi know?"

"No! And we tend to keep it that way!" Edward told them as he looked directly at Irina who glared at the child,


"She came to our home..her clothes were ruined and she was covered in marks.." Esme explained to them, Edward looked back at Irina for a moment.

"She's apart of our family now! So I wouldn't try and hurt her, Irina!" The blonde stared at him shocked as her sister, Tanya walked closer to the child.

"Well..I see you care for her!"

"Yes.." Esme smiled as the smaller blonde lifted her arms slightly, much to her delight Brooklyn allowed her to pick her up. Tanya smiled warmly and held the young girl close,

"What's her name?"

"Brooklyn!" Kate walked up, pulling her other sister along as they were now facing the small child. Smiling, she gently tickled Brooklyn's chin causing the young child to giggle, instantly melting everyone's hearts. Irina on the other hand didn't both to look in Brooklyn's direction, she felt no need to harm her only was worried for their safety if the Volturi ever found out.

"They won't find out!" Everyone stared at Edward as he spoke,
"She's our family now, and we protect family!"

"You have to stop worrying! We'll be fine.." Kate handed Brooklyn over to Irina slowly, watching as her sister took hold of the small child. Her cold body immediately warmed up as Brooklyn gently placed her head on the woman's shoulder, earning a soft chuckle.

"See, not so bad Huh?"

Currently, everyone was sat inside relaxing as Brooklyn ran into the room. She held a pile of coats in her arms, almost falling backwards if she hadn't caught herself.

"What are you doing, Brookie?"

"I wanna play outside!" Carlisle chuckled and took the coats from his daughters arms to see she already was wrapped up in her warm clothes and boots.

The six year old stood there as she took her fathers hand and led him across the room, handing everyone who was sat there a coat each. "Sweetie, I know you wanna play in the snow but it's too deep.."


"Tomorrow!" As he went to grab all the coats back, Brooklyn took his hand and turned him to face her. "Not now sweetie!"

"Please daddy! I wanna build a snow man!" He knelt down in front of her,

"I'm sorry..I promise tomorrow we'll play all day!" She stayed silent for a moment before reluctantly taking off her coat, throwing it at her father. Before he could reply however, she ran out of the room.

They all stayed silent, a quiet sob could be heard by each of them. Slowly, Edward stood up and walked out of the room to check on his little sister.

Carlisle slumped down onto the sofa, "may I say something?" Kate asked him, he nodded slowly and leant back into his seat.
"I think it's time.." they each shared a confused glance at each other, Edward who was in the room holding the crying child still listened in.

"Time for what?"

"To tell her..she's old enough-"

"No!" Rosalie jumped in,


"No! First; she's just a child and wouldn't understand, second; she could accidentally tell someone!"

"What if she didn't though? And beside what do you think would happen, once she's 13 and realised that none of us have aged a day?" They all stayed quiet, "she's old enough, and you can keep her locked inside! That's not the first time I've heated her crying because she couldn't play outside!"

Everyone looked to Carlisle on what to do, she sighed and stood up. Slowly walking out of the room and into Brooklyn's.

Carlisle stood at the doorway looking in, Edward held Brooklyn on his chest as he was laying there on her bed. Although he couldn't feel it, he knew his heart shattered at the sound of her quiet sobs.

The younger vampire looked over and sighed, lifting the six year old up. He wiped her tears away quickly as she looked over at the blonde, "hi..can I talk to her alone please Edward?"

"Sure-" Brooklyn quickly grabbed his hand and gave him a look, Carlisle knew and already nodded. They both sat down beside Brooklyn who just moved over onto Edwards lap,

"Sweetie..first I wanna say I'm sorry! I was mean-"


"I know you just want to play but, I couldn't let you outside for a specific reason.."

"Why?" He looked over at his adoptive son, who just nodded in response before looking back down at his daughter.

"Well, you know what a supernatural creature is?"


"Yes, well.."


"We're actually vampires.." Brooklyn stared at him for a moment before a small laugh escaped her lips, she looked between the two before her face becomes serious.


"Yes..look, I know this is a shock to you but-"

"So you kill people?"

"No! No no sweetheart..we actually live on animal blood-"

"But that kills the animals!"

"I know, but we don't like hurting humans and there's no other way to survive because we don't eat food.."

"Are you going t-to kill me?" She looked down at her hands as Carlisle immediately answered her question,

"No! We would never hurt you.." she smiled, standing up off her brothers lap, she stepped forward and pulled the blonde into a tight embrace. "I love you sweetie!"

"I love you too daddy!"



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