47. Need A Distraction

Start from the beginning

"I love you Jaxon and I know you're right. I need to get out of my head with all the bullshit. This will be just what I need." I walk to the dresser to grab some boxers and Jax slaps my ass. "Did you just say I was right?" He looks at me incredulous like I would never admit that. Okay who am I kidding I wouldn't, because I would never hear the end of it. "I have no idea what you are talking about." I smirk at him, and he pouts, God he is so damn adorable.

"Oh, come on Lucas! That's not fair, you never say I'm right."

I can't help but laugh as I put on my clothes and turn around to look at him. "Okay you were right." His face lights up and I bite my lips to stop the laughter from coming. He looks like he just got the best gift in the world.

"Thank you!" His eyes shine so bright, and I have to bite my cheek to not laugh at how damn adorable he is.  "You were right...right about it not being the time to have sex."

"See was it so hard to admit that I was... hey what the fuck Lucas?" He pouts and I can't help but laugh, "Oh don't pout I am only kidding babe. Let's go have some fun."

I kiss his cheek and we head out and head to the field where the rest of our team is. It feels good to be back, I have missed this. It sucks that this drama has prevented me from doing something I have enjoyed and loved for so long. It started out as a distraction for what my life was like, but I love it now and have missed it.

"It's about time you two crawl out of your sex cave." Chris says as he runs up to us and gives us a brotherly hug. I know he is only joking... well for the most part. "All those two know how to do is fuck and fuck some more." Ben says as he walks up to us. I see Jax shake his head and I know it bothers him when people think that is what our relationship is all about when it is not.

"Hey, we haven't had sex since last night." Jax says defensively.

"That's a shocker." Ben chuckles

I put my arm around Jax and come to his defense. "You're just jealous because you do not get it enough as we do."  the boys laugh at that. I'm not going to lie our sex is off the fucking charts, and is always phenomenal, but we are more than that. We stay up late and just talk about everything and just holding him in my arms at night is enough for me sometimes.

Johnny runs up to us and I am thankful that he changes the subject before Jax ends up knocking Ben out. "It's so good to have you back Captain." I look up at the sky and smile. "It's good to be back but it looks like it's about to rain." I look at my team and smile. "You boys reading to play some football in the rain."

They all cheer and just then the rain comes down and we start playing. I have to say this is the best distraction that Jaxon could have offered me right now. I forgot just how much I missed this game. Since we just really playing around and not playing a real game it's fun to let loose. I go to tackle Jaxon and slip and fall in the mud. Jaxon laughs and I swear his smile is so bright it can shine through any gloomy day. Just then Jase tackles Jaxon and the ball gets loose, as Jaxon falls down next to me. I can't help but laugh my ass off with all the mud that ended up on his face.

"What?" he looks at me with his bright eyes, and I reach my hand out to wipe the mud off his face.

"Thank you"

"For what babe?"

"For this. You just know how to get me out of my head every single time. You know when I need to laugh or smile when the dark thoughts invade my head." "I will always have your back Lucas." He bends down and kisses me and I bring him in closer. This man means everything to me. I am grateful he came into my life when he did.

"See these two cannot keep their hands off each other for five seconds." Jase yells and I hear some of the guy's chuckle. "What can I say I just love this cocky son of a bitch." Jaxon smiles at me and kisses my nose. "And I love this asshole."

"Are we playing or just going to watch you two make out the whole damn time. Because I swear I had enough of that on Paradise Island." Chris says as he shakes his head. Jaxon helps me up and puts his arm around my waist and gives me a smoldering look. That look makes me weak every damn time.

"How about we show these fuckers how to play football?"

I smile back at him. Oh, this is going to be so much fun. "Hell, yeah let's show these bitches!"

And that's what we do playing in the rain and working as a team to put these shitheads in check. I am glad we did this today and was able to take my mind off of everything that has been going on. We needed this distraction from all the drama and just be us. I just hope that with all that is going on that we come out stronger in the end. Because that cocky son of a bitch I have grown to love means everything to me. It would destroy me if all this shit tore us apart.

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