Chapter 25

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(Akali pov)

After we had fun messing with Y/N and him going back to the couch to lay down then I walk up to him then turn visible and ask.

"Are you mad at us?" I asked him then as he turned to face me then he karate chopped me on the head then told me.

"No I am not mad cause I know you girls are having fun but next time can you not get me wet cause you girls took most of my clothes so please don't do that again," Y/N said then as he then gets up then says.

"So can I guess they are also still in this room," Y/N asked me then as I turned around they appeared then I turned around then said?

"I think your assumption is correct," I told him then as he takes a look at his clothes then asked.

"Now can I get some of my clothes back to change please," Y/N asked then as I looked behind me to see who will do it then I said?

"Ok I will be back I'm going to miss some of your clothes," I said as I walked towards the stairs and as I walk upstairs then as I walk all the way upstairs then as I reach the front door to my room then as I open it then walk inside then I walk to the closet then as I grab some pairs of clothes then as I almost started to cry then as I walk out my closet then I walk to the staircase then as I ran down the stairs then after reaching it then I look to see ahri cleaning up the couch and as I see the others standing around doing nothing then as I ask.

"So I'm guessing that ahri is cleaning up the mess that she caused and the others are just doing nothing," I asked then as Y/N looked at me then as he told me.

"Yeah and then I can guess you gave me back some of my clothes," Y/N asked then as I walk up to him then handed him his clothes then as he took them then as he walked away to go to the bathroom than as I look as ahri then starts to then get the water out of the couch then as we wait for a bit then Y/N comes out and then he goes upstairs then as we sit around downstairs talking he comes back then says.

"So what else were you girls planning to do exactly," Y/N asked us then as we looked at him while he sat down then as we started to think about then as we sat around a circle and doing nothing then as we sit around and as Seraphine said.

"Well at best we could go visit the bunker and do or we could go shopping with and have fun going around and or we could go to an arcade," Seraphine said then as we thought about it then as Y/N then said.

"There is a good arcade nearby I always go to and when I usually go there they like me a lot so when I came back a lot they gave me a card that lets me play their games unlimited and because when I go there the place where my parent's friends own it then when they died and they found out about it then they told me since they felt bad about my parents dying then they gave me a card so when I ever got into a bad mood or when I was ever sad so I go there to place games and enjoy my self so want to go there," Y/N told us then as looked at Y/N then as looked at each other than as we wait then thinking about it then I said.

"How many cards do you have or do you just have one," I asked then as ask then Y/N told me.

"I got two cause just in case if I lost one then I could use the other one then you five can take one then go do your own thing and I will go do my own thing alright," he said then as he then got up the walked towards the kitchen then as he then reaches into the cabinet then as then he grabs something then as he then closes the cabinet then he walks back towards us then says while handing evelynn one saying.

"Here they are you girls get to have one then you girls can go do your own thing and when we get there you girls are going to have some fun," Y/N said then as evelynn started to look at the card then she asked.

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