"I missed you so much," I said, kissing on his head and taking him to my room, or else Eric Will be more pissed than he is now for letting Mint play in his left room. I let him down and he started running into the room. 

I tell you he is always happy and looking at him made me happy too. Still, with a faint smile on my face, I removed my bag and dropped it on the bed while taking my cell phone out of it and putting it on a charge. I switched on it and found Eric's three missed calls flashing on my screen. He called me. He had never done that before. That's when the realization washed over me he was worried about me because I'm never so late from work. Did he call to check on me? If he was worried he could have said on my face why to behave like that. God! men are so complex. I huffed in annoyance. But somewhere deep Eric's strange actions of showing his care warmed my heart, making me feel that I'm not alone in this big city. Putting a full stop to those thoughts I went to take shower. After that, I slept like a dead woman while Mint snuggled with me. He likes my bed more than his. 

The next morning Eric Was acting like before oozing his cold aura. It almost froze me when he looked at me with ice blue eyes when I placed a breakfast plate in front of him. I just smiled at him which made him look back at the file he was reading, going back to ignoring me. I just quietly ate my food with Mint eating beside my leg. After that, I left Mint in my room and left the house not before saying bye to the ice-cold man sitting on the kitchen island. Today somehow I was in a good mood because on my way to work I talked with my family and dad was relieved because our restaurant was doing good and combining my salary with less than six months we will sum up the money to buy our restaurant back. I finally could see rays of hope and it made me so happy. I miss them so much it's been almost more than a month since I stayed away from them. It's the longest duration that I have not seen their faces. 

I so badly want to go and see them but I know I can't do it. I can't even talk with them on video calls because of my hair. I still have not mustered up the courage to face them. Mom knew how much I loved my long hair and if I explained to her she would see through my lies. If she gets even a small hint about my job she will be on the next train to take me back. Even that thought was enough to scare me. I removed those thoughts and walked inside the hotel premises while flashing a smile to the guard. He just nodded his head with an alert look on his face. This man takes his job very seriously. As I was walking towards the entrance I heard someone calling my name. I saw William was jogging towards me. 

"What the heck is he doing here so early?" I whispered under my breath with a bitter look on my face. 

"Hey Sage good morning," he yelled while he was still jogging in my direction. 

"There is nothing good left in this morning" I again whispered under my breath in a little panic. Should I just ignore him and walk away.  It seemed a better idea as I didn't want to ruin my good mood before I could turn to go. He caught my hand stopping me while encircling his big arm around my shoulder. 

"Why do you always keep running away from me like I'm going to expose your very big secret," he said in his cheeky voice while making me look at him with an obvious look in my eyes. I tried to remove his hand after listening to his statement with an annoyed look on my face. 

"Ok ok sorry I won't tease you anymore," he said while laughing. 

"Let me go," I said in my angry voice while taking his hand away. 

"Let's be real friends this time," he said in the same voice while looking at me. It made me look at him with a confused look on my face. From his face, it looked like he was serious but the person I was dealing with was none other than William. I moved my head in denial. 

"I can't trust him," I said, still moving my head, refusing his offer. 

"Come on, you need a friend here," he said with a genuine look on his face. I still refused to believe him. 

"I mean it and after all, I like you. I think we will make a great team," he said again with that sincere look on his face which made me think. I thought for a minute I can't stay in this bubble of him exposing me anytime I should be friends with him and as he said I need friends here to support me. 

"I can't believe I'm accepting this. I think I'm going to regret it in the future," I said while huffing in distress. He flashed me his happy smile. 

"I will make sure you do my friend," he said mischievously, I elbowed him in the stomach. 

"Ouch, I was just kidding," he said while still laughing, making me smile at his actions as he rubbed his stomach acting like a drama queen as if I had thrown a brick at him. I can't believe I have made a first friend here and that too with a person from whom I was running away all the time. Our laughter was cut down with a sharp sound of horn which made us look in the direction of the sound. My eyes met with steel grey eyes which were fixed on us. Sitting in his car he kept looking at me and then his eyes moved to the hand of William which was holding me on my shoulder. He clenched his jaw when William pulled me more to him to get out of the path without sparing us a glance he disappeared into the parking lot. Making me look at William. 

"Now what's wrong with him," I said in my confused voice. But listening to my question William gave me a look that made me more confused. There was a hint of mischief in his sentence. He let go of me and started walking inside while making me look at his retiring back.

"What does he mean"

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