Chapter 13

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IT WAS SUNDAY. The last day of the weekend.

I finished up my project sketching the last scene of Romeo and Juliet and edited in the details by handwriting.

Brushing a hand against my forehead I frowned at the weak air conditioning. It was like it was restarted into a heater or something. I had a feeling Emery had something to do with it but I stayed silent.

My phone started ringing and a bright grin broke on my face as I accepted the call.

A ruckus echoed through the back as they spoke, "Oh shit."

I chuckled rubbing my eyes. "Hey Grandma."

"Bryce! How are you dear?" She exclaimed over another fallen object.

"I'm the same as ever. How are you? What's that sound at the back, Grandma?" I asked concerned as yet another object fell.

"Oh, that's Ollie. I got a new dog."

Shit. "Grandma please tell me you didn't pick this one of the streets too? Remember how last time we had to take you to the hospital because of your allergy." It was bad. My Grandma could not breathe as the dog was infected with rabies.

"No I got this one from the shelter actually. I thought it'd be fun to have a kid again." She laughed through the phone making me chuckle. "How's life in the fucked up school?"

"Grandma!" I exclaimed at her blunt tongue. I see where I get it from. "And it's fine. I just thought I'd fuck it up more."

"That's the Weston dynasty right there. It's our life's legacy. Your great grandpa burnt his neighbor's house when he was 16, your grandpa stole motorbikes and sold them illegally and your dad had accidentally sold drugs to your mother making her furious. And now here you are making us proud." I laughed my heart feeling blossomed as I listened. Mom and dad's story always made me laugh. Dad had gone to a supermarket and came out when a guy had offered him powder to help heal headaches and stuff. My dad bought it out of pity and took it hoping to sell it off. My mom was his business partner and when he offered it to her for her headache she'd gone livid threatening to report him. My dad was so confused only to find out that the substance was cocaine and threw it away before anything could happen. Later on he asked my mother for months to go on a date. After a year of trying she'd said yes.

"What about you Grandma? Still forgot how you dated one of the hottest movie stars of the 70's?"

She chuckled her voice distant and silent as if she was remembering those days with Grandpa. I knew just how much she loved and missed him. "Yeah. Your Grandpa was a real muse to my scandals. In fact I was completely innocent in most of what the tabloids had to say."

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