Chapter 30

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TODAY WAS THE second match

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TODAY WAS THE second match.

I had gathered my team high and low for this. This exact moment.

I glance down at Trinity and Riley in the pool and check upon if they have everything they need.

Assurance granted I walked along the space of the pale asphalt flooring surrounding the pool and try to conceal the dread building up in me.

Ever since I woke up today in my room I could not push away this feeling. This weight that felt pushed against my chest. I wanted to cry when I woke up but I was foreign to tears. They just would not come. And yet I felt like screaming and shouting but for what I did not know.

I had not gotten any serious or major texts from home so I supposed they were alright. I did not text them hoping to not arouse any worry to my mother seemingly as she was wrapped up in her wedding preparations.

Perhaps it did not help either that I kept on overthinking everything. When Sersha did not hear me this morning I got into a panic fit and thought I had done something wrong or that she had chosen to leave me. I had asked her and she told me there was nothing wrong between us and she probably did not hear. I had agreed and let it wave off as she smiled and told me to calm my worries for I was stuck with  her.

I even double tapped and checked into the blackmailers messages but no replies or anything.

So what as this feeling?


"Bryce!" I snapped up startled as Riley shouted at me.


"Can you get my goggles from the girls changing room please? I left them." She apologetically smiled and I quickly ran there.

The locker room felt immensely cold and my skin trailed with goosebumps as I walked through the lockers trying to navigate Riley's.

"Fuck where is it?" I hissed at myself trialing my fingers over the navy metal of them. I squinted my eyes reading them one by one until I barged into Riley's and took out her pair of black goggles.

As I took a step back the world spinner under my feet and my head felt weird as if it was falling from side to side. I braced a hand on the locker and shut my eyes out but that only made things worse as the stench of chlorine infiltrated my senses like a cold punch.

I gagged rushing for the bathroom and nearly flailing to the floor as I emptied my guts in the toilet.

Tears welled my eyes from the force as I coughed but stomach lurching and a thrum hitting the side of my head.

What was going on with me? I snapped at myself trying to control my body. I had to stop this and go back.

Riley needed me.

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