Chapter 3

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"HEY," EMERY SAID getting out of her room

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"HEY," EMERY SAID getting out of her room. I gave her a hum looking up from my laptop. Last night had been quiet and formal-ish. We hadn't talked the whole day yesterday except for the scandalous meetings but other than that we were monotone.

She propped on the couch a few paces away from me and took up the TV remote. I scowled at her as she took away Pride and Prejudice and went on to putting another channel. We sat in silence until she popped her neon gum and glanced over to me. "I saw you getting ready yesterday? Were you leaving?"

I closed my word document and turned to her. "Yeah. One girl from here invited me over but we canceled plans at the last minute." I spoke. I was bummed when Sersha had come to my room yesterday and told me. We exchanged numbers and decided today would be the day we'd do it. She'd even gone far as being dramatic about solemn oaths and shit.

"Oh." Emery dulled. "Do you think it's because they bailed on you?"

I drew my brows together and shook my head. "I don't think so. They were waiting on a friend who had not arrived yet. She's coming over today." I explained to her checking the time on my phone.

"Hmm..." Emery sighed looking at her manicured nails. "Who were they again? Just asking to see if we were going to the same party and all." She covered up. I felt myself a little curious at her string of questions. They were forced and unwanted, but the effort made me question her motives.

"Sersha and her friends."

Emery let out a high-pitched laugh at that. "Sersha? Miming Sersha held the courage to ask. Unbelievable."

A dig.

"Why is that unbelievable? She can speak." I put out shrugging.

"Yeah, but Sersha is a whole different breed and... you know what never mind. I was supposed to be going to Annabelle's too. Guess it's tonight then."

"You seem excited," I noted her turned-up lips and glittering eyes.

Emery pushed her platinum blonde hair out of her face and smirked. "You could say that. I've yet to meet someone. It's been a while and all."

Now that interested me. Call me nosy but hearing about people's love lives intrigued me. Honestly, any gossip could catch me like a fish on bait. I don't know how that defined me, but it comes with the package deal. "Who?"

A secret smile dazzled on her glossy lips as she turned to me imitating that of a secret. "Aaron Mercer."

I furrowed my brows at the name. Aaron Mercer. It sounded familiar.

"...We're mostly on and off. It's mostly hookups and stuff, but he keeps running back to me. He doesn't want to put a label, but Aaron will change his mind." Emery rambled on. I saw a certain lively glint sparkle through her eyes as she talked. Though there was nothing wrong with her I couldn't help but feel a vibe radiate off her. Something about the way she was...

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