Chapter 18

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"REVERSE. REVERSE. AND colour change. Uno!" I exclaim throwing my last card down like a boss.

"What the fuck?" Aaron groans double checking the pile.

"Fifth win, baby. I am unstoppable."

"You cheated." He grumbled tossing his cards up so they fluttered around the room. "Rematch."

"Nope." I pop my lips and give out a faux sigh. "I am a little too tired of winning."

He scoffed rolling his eyes at that. "Don't be a snob."

"Don't be a sore loser." I winked retorting. My legs felt like someone had lodged pins in them. This feeling of pins and needles has been nothing but horrendous. Well this after sleep paralysis of course.

I got up with a grin seeing Aaron still trying to trace the pile. For someone who admitted they did not give a shit about the game they sure do have a grudge.

It was nice of him to relay my mind off the text the blackmailer or whatever the fuck they are's message. I did not want to respond for I could not.

I hope you have fun - Anonymous.

I did not know what that meant or even wanted to know the possibility of damage behind those five words. The five million they want is not easy to recruit without getting anyone involved.

"Hey, Weston?" Aaron called looming against the doorway where I picked up the mess of cards.


"Do you want to go to Annabelle's this Saturday?" His words were slow and deliberate and I couldn't help but keep my smile hidden as I straightened up.

"Sorry but I have to go with Liam tomorrow." It was true he keeps me updated every now and then about the day. To be fair his excitement might just be sprinkling a tad bit on me. Free food is always a beautiful moment.

Aaron frowned clenching his jaw. "I don't like his intentions."

I shrugged. "It's just a-"

"Date? It sounds precisely like a date." Aaron grumbled raking a hand through his hair. "He does know we're dating right?"

I chuckled at him. "I think your last scene made that pretty clear. Plus it's just an outing. He knows we are fake dating Well kind of." I wasn't really sure what Liam actually interpreted us but I wasn't going to deny or accept his thoughts.

"Supposedly." Aaron said twisting a ring around his pointer. "I still don't like the guy."

I patted his shoulder with a sympathetic look. I'm just too special for everyone to be shared. Life is tiresome when you're the centre.

Sarcasm was present.

"You know I've been thinking ..." I started.

Always AaronWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt