Chapter 14

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I CRIED MYSELF to bed that night

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I CRIED MYSELF to bed that night. I couldn't sleep at all. My mom was not answering her phone and the only thing keeping me sane was the fact that Louis had posted a snap just twenty five minutes ago.

When the sun rose so did I. I did not care what was expected of me in school policy. I took my phone and threw on my uniform forgetting my jacket in the process and sliding my feet into my pumps.

I jerked my bag up and walked out not bothering to eat. Not bothering to close my door or lock it. I was lost.

Every sound was distant to me as I walked in my cold state. It was fucking freezing. Internally too.

I did not want to go in the elevator so I tripped my way to the stairs walking like a dead zombie. When I saw someone smile or say hi I ignored them. I just walked directly into class and picked the last seat sitting there and waiting.

I was an hour early to my history class.

My knee was bobbing while I played with my hands. What am I supposed to do?

A million dollars.

That's a one with six zeros.

I could not tell my mother and expect her to hand me that cheque without giving a reason. I had no money in my account that would supply a million. I had shouted and my mother long ago to stop adding money to my account. So she kept only 2/4 of a million. I only used it for emergencies. But where was I going to attain a million?

Fuck million what if they asked for more?

I tapped my phone. No calls, no replies. Nothing.

"What are you-" I jumped out of my seat causing their sentence to break. I must have looked like a psychotic rabid cat because Aaron backed away from me. "Fuck are you alright?"

I did not suffice an answer. I calmed my heating heart slumping into my seat. He sat next to me keeping his mouth utterly shut. But then he spoke. "You look like a fucking ghost."

"I didn't fucking ass dickhead." I snapped at him grabbing my things and barging out of the room. Fuck him. My head was throbbing and still no fucking answer.

I closed my eyes sitting at one of the waiting benches in the reception corridor. Keeping my eyes closed I put my fist to rest against my head.

"What's wrong Weston?" Aaron asked sitting down next to me.

I narrowed my eyes at him seething. "Fuck off Mercer. Stop getting in my business."

He only let out a chuckle that made me want to pulverise him. "You do realise you are my fake girlfriend. I am countered to all tantrums of yours for public reasons." He whispered gesturing me to look around.

Indeed people were staring at us. "Well fuck off. Tell them I'm just fucked in the head." I muttered hotly.

"I don't think that's believable." Aaron murmured and then turned to me. "Are you going to tell me or not? Maybe I can help."

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