Chapter 9

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"I LOOK LIKE a fucking raccoon," I gasp looking at my reflection

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"I LOOK LIKE a fucking raccoon," I gasp looking at my reflection. After trying to apply winged eyeliner I did not know how badly I was lacking in the makeup section. Even after watching 3 fucking videos I still managed to mess up.

"It's barely noticeable?" Sersha squeaked trying to act nonchalant.

Madison flipped me around and laughed in my face like the lunatic she was. I pushed her away with a grunt. She landed on her perfectly prized carpet looking like a dying seal. "Keep it up, Bryce. You look so beautiful." She teased through snorts of laughter.

I flipped her off wiping my face with wet  wipes. It made my eyes itch and catch a red hue so I looked even worse than before. I was two minutes away from curling up and crying.

"Hey, my bitches- holy shit!" Owen gasped looking at my face. "Did you get run over? Should I get the nurse?" I would have slapped him senseless if it wasn't for the raw worry.

I banged my head against the table in defeat. "I hate the world. I swear I was born backward or shit." I cry into the wooden vanity.

Owen patted my shoulders murmuring how I was right. "But on the bright side, my mom told me I was born with teeth. She said it creeped her out when I smiled."

I choked on a laugh imagining the scenario. He really was Donkey from Shrek. "I want a drink," I announced getting up.

"Nope." Owen pushed me back down on the seat with force. "What you need is some fresh air. How about I teach you to skateboard, yeah?"

I'd never skateboarded in my entire life. My dad before he died had gifted me rollerblades for Christmas which were a blast. I had even broken two crystal vases.

But I should have thought my answer wisely because here I was in the courtyard upside down.

I could hear the passing-by students laughing at me but my knees ached.

Owen came running to me in alarm. "I shouldn't have thought you to Ollie. Are you okay?"

I gave him a tight-lipped smile. "Just peachy." He helped me down grabbing my legs and flipping them over my head causing a handful of grass to enter my mouth. I spat it out roughly glaring at Owen who shrugged. He offered me his hand which I took and stood up again on the damn skateboard. "Keep your balance and position your feet a little farther apart... perfect."

I pulled my feet down and pushed off trying to add my weight to the bottom side and push off but I merely tripped to the side. "Fucking hell this is broken," I announced with my arms up.

Owen snorted sliding on the board and doing a Kick Flip. I rolled my eyes falling to the ground and picking out grass from my clothes and hair.

It stung where the tree had scraped my knees but I would clean it up later. A shadow loomed over me and I knew who it was without having to turn around. " I asked everyone to delete the photo, Bryce. They did it too I promise."

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