Chapter 60

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WHAT DID TODAY feel like? Well

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WHAT DID TODAY feel like? Well... it felt like a dark, ominous cloud was engulfing me.

Everybody was quiet through breakfast. It just made it even more difficult. As if a voice might end up breaking us all. Maybe it would. Because just the tick of the clock made my throat swell up with emotion.

I could feel Evangeline and Evan glance up at us every now and then trying to say something. Even my mother was getting tense.

Cole, however, was too busy burying his nose in a newspaper to notice the mood around us.

I cut my French toasts into a millionth piece. I was nowhere near hungry. In an hour I had to be at the airport.

Owen, Jordan, Sersha and I were leaving in the morning while the rest of the gang had their flights scattered towards the night.

The flight difference between the four of us was hardly thirty minutes. I was going first, sadly.

Just today we found out that Jordan had decided to delay his acceptance in university by a year. He decided he wanted to travel the world and hand on to the dream of being young for a little while longer.

I wish I could have chosen the same thought because Aaron and I did have plans to travel. They were shattered dreams now as Harvard had asked me to come early or they would transfer my enrolment.

We've met partying for a week and now it was time to go. I was going to move to Cambridge and bunking with a roommate since living alone was not my ideal choice now.

I brought the glass filled with fresh orange to my lips and sipped on it lightly. I heard the clink of cutlery to the plate and glanced to the right to see it was none other then our newest instalment. Mr. Noah Kingsley.

He was such a cute boy it ached. I was going to miss him so very much.

"Noah." Louis playfully scolded him as he tossed a piece of strawberry onto Catherine's plate. The latter looked irritated by his gesture. "Sorry."

Catherine did not bother answering. She went back to spooning her oats.

"Okay stop." My grandma announced looking at us all frustratedly. "Put you cutleries down. All of you." I lazily let it fall on my plate and cupped my jaw in my palm as I stared at her. "You guys you are going to university! That's huge! You should be excited. It's a completely different experience and it is wonderful. I had my firsts in university. Like the time Dylan Brown and I-"

"Julia!" My mother cut her off with warning eyes.

We all chuckled lowly as my grandma waved her off. "All right fine. But you know what I mean. This extraordinary chapter is supposed to be exciting. Fulfilling. You can't experience could things we those sullen moods." She gestured around at us. I bit my lip and rubbed the corner of my eye. "I know you all will miss each other but dear god. I'm older then all of you and I know what good FaceTime could do. You all are just one flippin' phone call away. And you guys have holidays. You can meet using these spectacular little vehicles call cars. They come in electric too. Tesla would know." I chuckled feeling some of my tension slide off me like snow of mountains.

Always AaronOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora