Chapter 52

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|Aaron's POV|

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|Aaron's POV|

"TERRY DOESN'T KNOW shit." Reuben sighed tossing the keys on his bed. He looked at me frustrated. "Did you check with Maddie?"

"I sent Owen to." I sighed into my hands. It was just a bottle of molly but it already fucking caused a mayhem. Nothing was simple with the Vipers. "Gideon catch on anything?"

"Nothing. He got cut off from his dealer a few days ago. Coincidence?"

"Definitely. This is planned now. And the girls... shit." I was beyond worried for Bryce. Because out of every girl over here she was the one who was most magnetized to there dangers.

Plus she'd sent me the text she received from the blackmailer today. Guess the two were interconnected after all.

I opened my phone and checked it again.

Now that your back the game can finally begin. One of your bitches might end up getting stitches if you don't sum up our total. I don't we I need to repeat the consequences of what will happen when you don't. Stay awake - Anonymous.

It was sick and disgusting. What kind of asshole does this?

"She'll be okay." Reuben assured me sitting down on the bed. "Bryce saved herself from a kidnap incident. She'll get through this too."

"She shouldn't have to." I mutter. "It's my fault."

"It's our fault." Reuben sighs rubbing his eyes. "I should have warned them sooner."

I looked up at him. "Yeah why didn't you?" His eyes shifted away and his body tensed. "What is it?"

"Nothing." He discarded darkly shaking his head.

"I'm someone you can easily slide by. Tell me what's wrong?"

Reuben looked at me with some sort of emotion in his eyes. It scared me a little to be honest. "I didn't want you to tell Bryce."

"Why?" I pressed. "She should've known it then and be able to protect herself from-"

"I didn't want you to not tell her because of her safety." Reuben interrupted. I furrowed my eyebrows confused. "I didn't want you to tell her. I wanted to tell her." My body froze as he continued. "I fell in love with her, man. She was just like me in ways and that- that caught me off guard. She was so lively and yet so broken thinking there was no help in this world. And then when her grandma hid from her she had breast cancer I- I wanted to run after her and hold her but it was your job. She chose you."

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